Archive for the 'Socials 9' Category
Chapter 2 Test: Wednesday, September 28th
Review master to help study is on Moodle
Chapter 2 Test: Wednesday, September 28th
(Review Master on Moodle to help guide your study)
Chapter 10 notes on I. After the Fall of Quebec
Canada in Focus: War and Peace
Something to think about as you watch this short video: Is Canada really a “nation of peacekeepers?”
Finish taking notes on the second major heading of Chapter 2:
II. English Society in the 17th Century
due on Monday, September 12
If you are comfortable with taking notes…you know I will be assigning the rest of the chapter for note taking so you may want to work ahead!
Chapter 2: The Fight for Democracy and The English Civil War
Read the two first major headings:
I. The Regions of Great Britain
II. English Society in the 17th Century