Mrs. Kwon

Assignments and Resources

Archive for the 'Asian Studies' Category

May 4 to May 8

Socials 8:  Worksheet on Formation of North America

Socials 9:  Workhsheet on Chapter 6:  BC to 1896

Socials 10:  Assignment on Consequences of the Great Depression and the Causes of World War II

Asian Studies:  Assignment on East Asia Under Challenge

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on May 4 to May 8

Feeling a little stressed?

Helpful hints:     Self Care pdf


posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on Feeling a little stressed?


Tentative schedule for Moodle server maintenance for Thursday May 7th for FULL DAY from 6am to 8pm.

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on MOODLE WILL BE DOWN ON MAY 7th — all day

April 27 to May 1

Socials 8:  First Nations and Environment Assignment

Socials 9:  National Policy Worksheet

Socials 10:  Chapter 3 & 4 Video Assignment

Asian Studies 12:  Term 3 Project Check-in as well as update in your Notebook

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on April 27 to May 1

What about my grades for Term 3? Am I going to pass the course?

OK…grades…everyone is worried about their grades.

This is what has been proposed…remember, the situation is fluid, which means things are constantly changing, so things may change in the future.

In my courses your grades are already calculated cumulatively so you know where you stand for the year.  You will fit into one of two categories:

First category:

  • If you were attending and doing your work in my class you should already be passing the course at the end of Term 2.
  • Good news – your grade will stand as long as you continue to complete assignments during Term 3.
  • Congratulations…you will pass the year as long as you keep working.


Second category:

  • If you received an “I REPORT” on your report card (Term 1 and/or Term 2)…you are not passing the course.
  • The work that you do from the end of Spring Break to the end of Term 3 is going to be crucial…that means you must complete your assignments in a timely manner, you must do them well because you must bring your grades up.
  • You need to work hard in the coming weeks!
  • You need to convince and prove to your teacher that you learned what you needed to learn in the course in order to get a pass…only then will you receive a passing grade for the year.
posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on What about my grades for Term 3? Am I going to pass the course?

Due dates…what due dates?

Remember there are due dates set on Teams…HOWEVER, teachers acknowledge that since we are all at home in self isolations and with the COVID-19 protocols in places…school is not what school used to be.  Therefore, due dates are flexible…to a certain degree.

The due dates are a guide for students…there is flexibility…within reason.  If you are having computer problems and you are still are trying to figure out Teams and how to complete and turn in assignments…no problem.   I probably will not start marking the work until about a week later anyway…because I am figuring things out as well.

*You do not need to email me or let me know about assignments being a couple of days late.

If you have questions about the assignment please use Teams to contact me between 9:00am to 3:00pm on school days (Monday to Friday)…this is the quickest and easiest way to get in contact with me.  (After 3:00pm…just like regular school, I probably will not respond until the next day.)

*Also do not forget to “Check-in” with all your teachers on a weekly basis!  Teachers are to report “NO-check-in” students at the end of the week!

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on Due dates…what due dates?

Attendance on a weekly basis…check in before Fridays!

  • Teachers have been directed to ensure we have contact with all our students at least once a week and to input “attendance” so the school can track who is responding and who is not.
  • It is more about ensuring our students are ok…it is not about being in trouble.  Don’t forget if you need help please reach out!  I hope you are all doing well and getting into the rhythm of school online.
  • Please remember that I am available mostly during what would be school hours Monday to Friday (9:00am to 3:00pm).
  • The attendance will be entered with the school at the end of the week…so it is important for you to “check-in” with all your teachers in your courses!


posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on Attendance on a weekly basis…check in before Fridays!

April 14, 2020 update

Hello all,

The chat feature on Teams is no longer available, however, I will try to set up a private class channel for us to still contact each other.

You may also email me…but I am worried about a huge number of emails I would be receiving so I am hoping the private channels will the the main way for us to “connect”.

Each student should “check in” with each of their course teachers at least once a week as a way for us to take “attendance.”  This can be completed in a variety of ways…”liking” a message, email, asking a question or a turning in of an assignment.  If we do not hear from you it will be forwarded to the school…

…no – you are not in trouble, but we want to ensure everyone is ok.  This is the main issue…your well being in these unprecedented times.

Take care everyone!

I will still be posting notices/assignments on this blog as well as Teams…and don’t forget to keep your access to Moodle!

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on April 14, 2020 update

Please read and be aware of the VSB Acceptable Use of Technology Policy:

Acceptable Use of Technology Policy

posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 8,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on

As we set up to deliver instruction online…I will continue to use the HW Blog and Moodle to deliver instruction and for you to submit assignments.

I have set up a “Check in Assignment” on Moodle for you to try. You should be able to access the assignment when you sign into Moodle.

(It will be at the top of the course where the course outline is posted.)

This will be due by Thursday, April 9th.  If you are unable to submit…you need to email me asap.

I will slowly start to provide instruction  in the coming days. Again, remember we are all trying to adapt and cope in an ever changing environment…so continue to check your emails, HW Blog and Moodle.

The most important thing for you to remember is to take care of yourself and stay healthy!


posted by Paulina Kwon in Asian Studies,Socials 10,Socials 9 and have Comments Off on