Mrs. Kwon

Assignments and Resources

Archive for November, 2015

Term 1 marks and Term 2

I understand there has been a couple of new teachers in for me this month.

Term 1 marks are in process and will be updated on Moodle.  I will send out an email blast when they are finalized.

Any re-tests/re-dos of Term 1 work will be done when I come back…so YES you will have about a month after I return to do them.

Any Term 2 marks completed with the new teacher will not be eligible for re-testing or re-dos when I come back since it is work that you have done with the new teacher.  So make sure you do a good job on your assignments!  She is your teacher for the next little while.  Her rules and policies apply while she is your teacher.

Here is where the classes should be headed:

Socials 8:  Textbook Pathways — Chapters 1 and 2

Mini Socials 9: Crossroads — Chapters 4 and 5

Socials 11: Counterpoints — Geography —  Chapters 13 – 18 (must finish Geography no later than Midterm Week in January)


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Term 1 marks

Enrolled Socials 8, 9 mini and 11s have their marks available on Moodle.

There are a few students who have yet to enrol…this is part of the course alongside the regular class you attend…failure to enrol means marks are unavailable and a resulting “I” on your reports for term 1.

Any students who need to redo any tests…this will be discussed when I return.

posted by Paulina Kwon in Mini Socials 9,Socials 11,Socials 8 and have Comments Off on Term 1 marks