An Inspirational Quote from Chris Hadfield

Do you know who Chris Hadfield is? He is a Canadian Astronaut and the 1st Canadian to walk in space. He rose to fame this past year while on board the International Space Station.

He is a great quote from him about what you can do with your life.

“You have a light inside of you to achieve anything you believe in. I want you to remember the power of possibilty and the future you want is in the decisions you make today” – Chris Hadfield, We Day 2013

Remember that the decisions you make today will impact your life in the future.

Here is a great video of him covering David Bowie’s Space Oddity while on the International Space Station. The photo is an nod to Bowie.

(I cant get the video to be in the post. Click on the link if interested)

Chris Hadfield – Space Oddity