I feel it important to share with parents some information that might not be known regarding these days of job action. Over the past months, during Phase 1 of teacher job action, teachers have continued to provide rich learning experiences for the children in their classrooms. During this first phase of job action, teachers have not been meeting with management, supervising exams or playgrounds, fundraising, or doing formal report cards. Parents are sometimes concerned about whether or not they can meet with their child’s classroom teacher about his/her progress and learning. The answer is absolutely yes! Teachers are not formally reporting, however, they continue to value the home school partnership. Times can be set up to support these conversations throughout the week. As a parent myself, I have learned a great deal about my son as a learner through these conversations and communication with his classroom teacher. In fact, the information about who he is as a learner, has been far greater and far more productive from these conversations than information I could have gained from a report card.
As we move forward, know that we ALL are doing so with the same intentions: to provide the best learning experiences for EVERY child and to continue our belief that we can only do so as a community where relationships are valued and all are respected. These values epitomize what Strathcona is all about and I am proud to be part of it.