Year End Newsletter


Well, we made it! I would like to start by thanking the students, parents, and caregivers here at Gordon for a good year. This is a very special community and one, the staff and I are proud of. A special shout-out goes to our Gordon PAC. Without your dedication and support of our school, we would not have nearly as many opportunities and support that we are so fortunate to have. Thank you for your countless volunteer hours! This also extends to all the parents and family members that have supported our teachers on field trips, in-class activities, and events. We are truly grateful for all your support.

I am pleased to announce that we will be getting a new Vice-Principal here at Gordon starting in September. Her name is Davita Marsden and I have included her bio below.

Aniin, my given name is Davita Aphrodite-Lee Marsden, and my Indigenous name is Giniw’ Waabi ᑭᓂᐤ’ᐗᐊᐱ’. I am Anishenaabekwe ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ and Lakota on my maternal side and English and Irish on my paternal side. I was born in Winnipeg MB and am a 60’s scoop baby. I walk traditionally on the Indigenous medicine path of the Midewiwin and Sundance. I have one beautiful son who is my light and love. My ancestral roots are from Mississauga Scugog Island First Nation in Ontario. I’ve been an Educator for over 30 years. My previous position was District Vice Principal of Indigenous Educator with the Vancouver School Board (VSB) and hold a PhD in Indigenous Studies at the University of Alaska. (BFA, PDP, Bed, ECE, CPSY, Med, Ph.D.).

I would also like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to some of our amazing staff members. Some of them will be leaving Gordon for new jobs and some will be spending time with their families.

To Ms. Wilson, we wish you all the best with the arrival of your new little one. We hope to see many pictures and even visit too. Our primary pod will miss you dearly!

To Mr. Carter, who will be teaching at a new school in the Fall. Thank you for the energy, passion, and advocacy you have shown for your students. We will miss the dance parties and laughter that you have brought to Gordon. We wish you continued success and fulfillment in your move.

To Ms. Goldie, you were only here for a short time, but you quickly became a big part of our community. Thank you for your dedication to your students and the opportunities you provided them. We wish you all the best and hope that you will be back at Gordon soon.

To Adrian, who will be spending some quality “Dad time” with his daughter. Thank you for the support of all our students here at Gordon. You will be missed but will see you back here in 2024!

To Jodi, you also very quickly became a huge part of our Gordon Community. Your calm demeanor and support of some of our most vulnerable students really made a difference for our staff and students. We hope to see you back at Gordon soon!

Lastly, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mr. Chuck McNicholl who stepped in more than once as our acting VP. We really appreciate everything you have done and wish you all the best in your travels and retirement.

And a special farewell and thank you to our Grade 7’s. We wish you much success in Secondary School. You have been true leaders in our school, and we will really miss you next year. We hope that you will come back and visit us to share more of your growth and learning.

Please note that we are looking forward to seeing all our students and families back at Gordon on September 5, 2023. School will be in session for one hour. Parents and caregivers, we invite you to reconnect with our PAC Executive over coffee and muffins. They will be set up at the picnic tables by the kindergarten playground. Kindergarten families, our first day will be Wednesday, September 6. Look for an email in August that will outline Gradual Entry for your child.

Enjoy your summer with family and friends and stay safe!

Report Card Pick-Up

Report cards go home with students today. If you have left early for summer vacation, the office is open on Tuesday and Wednesday for families to come by if needed. If not, we will hold report cards and other items until September. We do not mail report cards or give them to anyone except the child’s legal guardian.

Notice of Late Return to School

Please use the link below to access the form that must be completed for any student expecting to return to school LATER THAN noon on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, but prior to September 29, 2023. The form can be accessed from our website under Announcements.

If your family circumstances change, please email Heidi Leung (OAA) at

Please note:  If the school cannot verify your child’s attendance at school by noon on September 10, 2021, your child’s space may be given to another student on the school’s waitlist as we are a FULL school.

Notice of Late Return Form

Are You Moving?

We are asking families to reach out to the office at if you know you will not be attending Gordon in the Fall. It is very helpful for us to know before September if you are leaving Gordon so we can offer a space for those families on our waitlist.

School Mural

We are excited to have had our new mural installed in our foyer yesterday. This artwork was created with the help of Mr. Nylund and a dedicated group of students who worked for months designing and painting this 16-feet masterpiece. It reflects our school community by incorporating our acceptance, appreciation, and love of everyone and how much we value and celebrate everyone’s uniqueness. We will have a special unveiling ceremony in the Fall.