October Newsletter


Students and Staff have settled into their new classes and are enjoying their new learning environments.  It was great to see everyone at our Meet the Teacher night.

As cold and flu season kicks off we want to remind families of our health and safety protocols. Students continue to wash their hands throughout the day as our regular routine. We continue to be a mask friendly school and it is the choice of staff and students to wear a mask or not. We also want to thank families for keeping their child at home if they are sick. We will continue to call home and ask a family member to come pick up their child if they develop symptoms during the day. If you would like to review the VSB Communicable Disease Plan – please visit the VSB website or click on the link here: VSB Communicable Disease Plan.

We are excited to be starting our extra-curricular sports programs with our Cross Country Teams. We are thrilled with the number of primary and intermediate students are running with us. Thank you to our staff coaches and parent volunteers. We also have a senior soccer team that had their first few games. Good luck in your seasons!

Cross-Country Schedule

Tuesday, October 1 Grades K – 3 Camosun Park (3:30 pm – 4:30 pm)
Wednesday, October 9 Grades K – 3 Camosun Park (3:30 pm – 4:30 pm)
Thursday, October 3 Grades 4 – 7 Camosun Park (3:30 pm – 4:30 pm)
Wednesday, October 9 Grades 4 – 7 Camosun Park (3:30 pm – 5 pm)
Tuesday, October 22 – City Wide Grades K – 7 Trout Lake (1 pm – 3:30 pm)


On Friday, we conducted our school’s first fire drill of the year. We’ll have several more throughout the year, including earthquake and lockdown drills, which are essential for reviewing and practicing our safety and preparedness procedures. This is also a great reminder to discuss and plan for emergencies at home. Do you have an escape route and a designated meeting spot in case of a fire? Is your earthquake kit and supplies ready? Our first earthquake drill is on Thursday, October 17, as part of the Great BC Shake Out. There are many excellent online resources available to help your family ensure you are well-prepared.


Our student’s love creating art on the school grounds during lunch and recess. If you have left over chalk that you aren’t using anymore or would like to buy a few boxes for the school, we would really appreciate it! Please drop it off at the office. Any colour will do!


We look forward to seeing you at our Goal Setting Conferences on Tuesday, Oct. 22 & Wednesday, Oct. 23.   Reminder that it is early dismissal on these days.  Students are to be picked up at 2:00 PM.  You will be receiving an email from your child’s classroom teacher to book an appointment through Microsoft Bookings.  Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you need support with this.


We hope that families take the opportunity on September 30th to reflect on what you can do to acknowledge and work towards Truth and Reconciliation while honouring the lives lost to residential schools in Canada.  Huge thank you to Mr. Nylund and Ms. Sinclair for leading us in an assembly on Friday and for all the students, staff and parents for wearing orange. We will continue this work daily at Gordon as this is not just one day of remembrance but every day as we are working towards Truth and Reconciliation.

In recognizing National Truth and Reconciliation week, the Indigenous Education Department and Superintendent and CEO Helen McGregor gifted our school the Reconciliation Blanket designed by xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) artist, educator and master weaver Debra Sparrow. This blanket serves as a reminder of the necessary continued work ahead in advancing reconciliation and your school’s commitment to walk alongside as allies with Indigenous Nations and communities. This blanket will be hung in our front entranceway outside the office. Below is a video teachers will be sharing with their classes of the ceremony honouring this gift to our schools. For more information, you can also visit the VSB Website.



Our Terry Fox Run will be held on Friday, October 4 at 2:00 PM. We are still looking for volunteers to help on the day of the run. Please see the rolling board by the basketball courts before and after school to sign-up. Thank you to those parents who have already signed up and a HUGE appreciate to all the families that donate to the Terry Fox Foundation. Ms. Rassias will be doing a random t-shirt for every student who donates $5 either to her classroom or online for a free Terry Fox t-shirt. Please use the link below to donate on behalf of our school to the Terry Fox Foundation:


Thank you! 


Individual photo day is on Wednesday, October 9 and retakes will be taken on Wednesday, November 6.  We will be using Artona again this year.  They have updated their website and have provided more options and backgrounds for parents to choose from.  All orders are done online and delivered to the school if ordered within the time frame.  More information will be communicated home shortly.


The Scholastic Book Fair empowers our students to choose books they love, and with

so many options, they’re sure to find themselves in the pages. Our school’s Scholastic Book Fair will take place on Tuesday, October 22 and Wednesday, October 23 during our Parent/Teacher Goal-Setting conferences. Your investment in your reader helps our whole school. All purchases earn Scholastic Dollars that can be redeemed for books and educational resources for our school’s classrooms and library. The countdown to more book joy is on!

This year’s Fair is going to be epic, but we need volunteers to make it happen. We hope that you can offer your time and talents to help students become Bolder, Prouder, and Stronger Readers which in turn makes them bolder, prouder, and stronger individuals. And since every purchase benefits our school, helping is twice as rewarding.

If you’re available to lend a hand at this upcoming event, please contact Ms. Z, our Teacher Librarian at kzdriluk@vsb.bc.ca and share which Fair activities interest you most.

Opportunities to assist include:

  • Advertising
  • Decorating
  • Setting up the Fair
  • Crowd control
  • Helping shoppers at the Fair
  • Checkout
  • Packing up the Fair


We already have quite the collection of jackets, sweaters and pants in our lost and found. We will be running our lost and found the same as last year which means we will be donating items to a local charity every few months.  You are welcome to come into the school (you will see a large cupboard and hanging racks outside the gym by the East doors) anytime to check it. This is also a reminder to label all your child’s things, including lunch containers and water bottles. The PAC is running a fundraiser for Mabel’s Labels or a Sharpie works as well. Please put your child’s first and last name on all items.


Our school immunization clinic is on Thursday, October 10. Families would have received a letter from our school nurse indicating if your child needs their regular childhood immunizations as well as a permission form. Please make sure that this form is returned to the school office by Tuesday, October 1.


The traffic around Gordon is a significant concern to school staff, parents and the larger community.  Please take careful note of the no-stopping areas in and around the school.  We strongly encourage parents/guardians to drop off their children away from the school and walk a block or two to school or else leave the car at home and walk as a family.  This will allow the students to create independence by walking to school themselves and build some healthy habits.

When school is in session, a 30 km/h school zone speed limit is in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every school day, unless otherwise posted.


  1. Plan ahead and be alert. Driving routes with less traffic in the summer may now face congestion, so give yourself extra time to get to your destination.  Take your time and don’t rush – especially through intersections.  Look for children especially near or around crosswalks and intersections.
  2. The staff parking lot is for staff only, there is no dropping-off or picking-up of students.
  3. Always yield to pedestrians (it’s the law).
  4. Never make a U-Turn or back-up in the lane or in driveways, this is very dangerous and could lead to someone getting seriously hurt. Drive around the block instead.
  5. When dropping off children in a School Zone, stop and allow them to exit onto the sidewalk side of the car. Never allow a child to cross mid-block.
  6. If a vehicle is stopped in front of you or in the lane next to you, they may be yielding for a pedestrian, so be prepared to stop.
  7. Always watch for pedestrians when you’re backing up. Before you get into your vehicle, make it a habit to walk around your vehicle to ensure no small children are behind it.  And remember, children will notice your driving behaviour, so set an example and drive smart.

Parents and guardians dropping-off and picking-up their children are very often seen committing a number of traffic offences.  Please be advised that the City of Vancouver parking enforcement and VPD traffic authority regularly visits the streets around Gordon Elementary to issue tickets and fines.

School Zones

As Vancouver’s school population grows, so do the traffic and parking problems around schools. For the safety of children, and to avoid traffic congestion, motorists dropping off or picking up students should pay attention to the following restrictions.

All the following rules are enforced under Street and Traffic Bylaw 2849.  Please visit the City of Vancouver website for more information.

No Parking

  • Effective from 8:00am to 5:00pm on school days
  • For use by motorists dropping off and picking up students
  • Limit of 5 minutes

No Stopping

  • Effective from 8:00am to 5:00pm. on school days
  • For students to safely get in, and out of school
  • Zone must be clear of vehicles

Vehicles parked in No Parking and No Stopping zones in a school area can be ticketed and towed under section 17.1 of the bylaw.

Vehicles that block pedestrians and motorists

Vehicles blocking pedestrians and motorists in school zones, and elsewhere, will be ticketed under Street and Traffic Bylaw 2849 as follows:

  • Sections 17.5 (b) and (c): Parked or stopped too close to a corner
  • Sections 17.4 (a) and (b): Stopped on, or within 6 m of a crosswalk
  • Section 18.1 (b): Parked in the wrong direction
  • Section 18.1 (c): Double parked




A great way to avoid all that traffic congestion is to jump on the Gordon Bike Bus! Every Friday! Rain or shine. Join the growing movement of the Bike Bus.

Groups of families riding to school together! It is the best way to start your day and a great way to meet your neighbours and make friends! Gordon Elementary Bike Bus started in April 2023 and is well loved by students and parents!

Our Bike Bus has two routes. We meet every Friday around 8:30am by Kits House and Tatlow Park and start riding at 8:40 am.

Visit the Gordon PAC website for more information and route maps.


Living in Vancouver means our weather can be quite unpredictable. Students need their outdoor time for free play and exercise, so recess and lunch will be held outside regardless of the weather. Therefore, families should dress their children appropriately for the conditions. The only exception is if the weather poses a safety risk, such as during a lightning storm or severe windstorm.

Our teachers also enjoy the outdoors and often conduct lessons outside in various weather conditions. Please ensure your child has rain gear, a change of clothes (especially for primary students), and indoor shoes when necessary. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students prepared and safe.


If your child has a medical condition requiring medication that must be administered at school, a parent will need to fill out a Request for Administration of Medication at School.  We also have a form for those requiring a Medical Care Plan such as administration of an EPI PEN.  Students are never to self-administer medication at school without supervision and all medication must be stored in the office.  This includes “over the counter” medications as well as prescription medications.  Please contact Ms. Heidi in the office for these forms.

Parents are reminded that medication cannot be administrated by school staff until these forms are completed.  Staff are trained by the Community Health Nurse for the administration of medication as well as an EPI PEN in case of an emergency.


We all love our four-legged friends, but they are not allowed on school grounds, especially during pick-up and drop-off times. Dogs are prohibited on the school grounds, play fields, and inside the school from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, as well as during any organized school events outside these hours, unless they are service dogs. Therapy dogs are only permitted in the school for specified educational purposes which need to be cleared by school administration first.

Our school grounds and buildings are bustling with many children playing and moving around. Some children are afraid of dogs or allergic to them. School-age children might unintentionally put themselves at risk and get hurt by a dog. Unfortunately, dog feces have been left on our playgrounds, posing a safety and hygiene concern for our students during outdoor play and creating unpleasant odours.

Allergic reactions, unhygienic conditions from pet feces, and the potential for unpredictable aggression are reasons behind the School District’s decision to prohibit dogs on school properties during the school day. Please review the VSB’s Dog Code, which is posted on the bright green signs on the fences, for more detailed information.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school grounds and play fields safe for all our students.


Please take a moment to download our updated School Calendar, which includes dates when school is not in session and Professional Development Days. This can also be found on our school website under the Announcement side bar.

School Calendar – we will be keeping our online calendar through our website updated. You can subscribe to this calendar, and it will automatically be downloaded to your own calendar. Please follow this link HERE for instructions on how to subscribe.


A big thank you to our Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) for organizing a wonderful get-together after our Meet the Teacher Night. The cake and lemonade were a huge hit!

Our PAC warmly welcomes all parents and guardians. When you register your child at our school, you automatically become a PAC member. The PAC plays an advisory role, consulting with school staff and administration on various school policies, programs, and activities. They also run initiatives like the Hot Lunch program- a fundraiser offering pre-ordered meals. Additionally, they host community events such as the Family Neon Dance Night and Spring Fling, providing numerous opportunities for parents and caregivers to engage with the school community. The PAC supports our classrooms, library, fine arts program, and much more.

For more information, please visit their website at gordonpac.com or contact them via email at PACgeneralgordon@gmail.com. You can sign up for the PAC email list and stay informed through their newsletters.