SS 10 – Travelogue – Ms. Thompson

Welcome to the class page for the Travelogue Project! We hope you enjoy “visiting” one of Canada’s physiographic regions and creating a presentation of your journey on the Smartboard using the Notebook software.

Here is a timeline for the next two weeks (a total of 6-7 blocks in the Library):

1. May 13 (1-2) and May 14 (2-3): First block in the Library. We will be reviewing the Class Page (this one!) and will make suggestions of sources (both print and online) for research. We will also give a mini-lesson on citing images and websites.

2. May 15 (1-2) and May 16 (2-3): Introduction / review of EasyBib;  Set up EasyBib accounts; students to take notes and cite sources

3. May 20 (1-2) and May 21 (2-3): Another mini-lesson, this time on how to make an effective presentation (slide layout), and some information on how to cite maps and atlases, then time to do research.

4. May 22 (1-2) and May 23 (2-3): Mini-lesson on using Notebook software for the Smartboard. Research.

5. May 26 (1-2) and May 27 (2-3): Preparing presentation. Research.

6. May 28 (1-2) and May 29 (2-3): Presentations!

7. May 30 (1-2) and June 2 (2-3):

To start, here are some of the very important worksheets for the project (in case you need another copy):

Travelogue Assignment 2014

Travelogue Task List 2014

Travelogue Project Rubric 2014

Works Cited Rubric for Travelogue 2014

You will be presenting your project as a Power Point. We have included some TIPS FOR POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS that should be helpful. Please note that you may have to save your Power Point in an earlier version (the version here at school is 2013) so you are able to work on it at home.

To cite your sources: It is very important to keep track of where you get your information. There is a “Works Cited” tab on the menu bar above, includes links to Easybib (an online citation generator), and copies of the Notetaking Sheets (these sheets can help you keep track of your sources).

To cite a map: In general, if you are using a map from a book (including one from an atlas) or a website, select “All 59 Options” in Easybib, then click on “Map/Chart”. Fill in the blanks as well as you can. If you use a map from a book or website in addition to general information from the same source, cite the source twice; once using “Map/Chart” and once using Book, Website, Database, etc.

For those who are using the packages from the textbook, here is bibliographic information you will need to cite them:
Authors:  Michael Cranny, Graham Jarvis, Garvin Moles, Bruce Seney
Title:  Horizons:  Canada’s Emerging Identity
Edition:  Second edition
Publisher:  Pearson
City:  Don Mills, ON
Copyright 2009

Please see either Ms. Parungao or Ms. Montroy if you have any questions about developing and writing your Works Cited.

Online Atlases:

The Canadian Atlas Online (by Canadian Geographic) Click on “Explore by Themes” on the left sidebar.

Natural Resources of Canada Website  Click on “Mapping” (in the box in the center of the page). Then click on Atlas of Canada.

The Canadian Encyclopedia

The Historical Atlas of Canada










In order to work on your SMARTBoard presentation outside of school, you will need to download the Notebook software to your computer at home. Please do the following: 

1. Go to the main Gladstone School Website (there is a link on the menu above)

2. Click on Students (at the top) then Classroom Sites, then click on the URL for the Teacher Moodle sites.

3. Click on Library, then Subject Area Website Links. You will need to create a Moodle account if you don’t have one. All the information on how to do that is on the right hand side of the screen.

4. Once you are in Moodle, click on Notebook software for SMARTBoard, and follow all the instructions. If you have any difficulty, and you have followed all the right steps, please see Ms. Parungao.

Also, for some suggestions for Power Points, check out TIPS FOR POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS