Law 12 – Youth Justice – Ms. Reid/Mrs. Campos

Welcome to the Law 12 Youth Justice page!

Here is a copy of the assignment: Law12 Final Project Outline Youth Justice

And here is a copy of the Peer/Self Assessment: Youth Justice Peer/Self Assessment

Some of you may be familiar with iMovie, but if not here is some info on Creating an iMovie.

Also, you are required to submit a Works Cited. To do so we suggest you use Easybib. If you need some help with the Works Cited and/or Easybib, please make sure to ask either Ms. Parungao or Mrs. Montroy. There is also some information under the Works Cited tab on the menu above. One of the most important steps is the last one: printing your Works Cited. To do so, once all your citations have been checked carefully, click on Export or Print in the blue box. Then click on Save as a Word Doc and follow the directions. There is no need to edit your Works Cited after this step as all the spacing, indentations, etc. are fine. If you need to make a change or edit a citation it is best to go back into your list of citations and make the change there.

And as always, please make sure to ask questions if you are unsure about anything to do with this assignment. Also, have fun!