Mathematics 9

Prerequisites: Math 8, Math 8 Enriched.

This course is a continuation, in a more formal manner, of the work begun in grade 8, and will be taken by all grade 9 students except those who have qualified for Mathematics 9 Enriched.

Objectives Include:

      • Developing concepts concretely, pictorially and symbolically.
      • Developing mathematical communication skills.
      • Developing basic numeracy skills by encouraging students to perform calculations without a calculator.

Course Topics Include:
The following units of study are the ones which will appear on the midyear exam.  In class calculators may be used at the teacher’s discretion.  However, there will be NO calculator use during the midyear exam.

      • Rational Numbers: ordering rational numbers in fraction and decimal form, + – × ÷ rational numbers in fraction and decimal form, order of operations.
      • Powers and Exponent Laws:power, base, exponent, powers of 10 and zero exponent, order of operations with powers, exponent laws.
      • Polynomials: modeling polynomials, like and unlike terms, + – polynomials, × ÷ a polynomial by a constant, × ÷ a polynomial by a monomial.

The remaining units of study are the ones which will be taught after the midyear exam.

      • Linear Relation:writing equations to describe patterns, graphing and recognizing linear relations, using linear relations to estimate values.
      • Linear Equationsa and Inequalities: solving equations, graphing and solving linear inequalities.
      • Square Roots and Surface Area: square roots of perfect squares and non-perfect squares, surface area of objects made from rectangular prisms, surface area of composite solids.
      • Similarity and Transformations:scale diagrams, enlargements and reductions, similar polygons, similar triangles, reflections and line of symmetry, rotations and rotational symmetry, identifying types of symmetry.
      • Circle Geometry: properties of tangents, chords, and angles in a circle, using circle properties to solve problems.
      • Probability and Statistics:real world analysis of probability by comparing between theoretical and experimental probabilities, data collection.

Textbook: Math Makes Sense 9

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