May Scholarship Opportunities
(e.g. Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools, Businesses, Unions, Associations, Foundations, etc.)
Amy Dalgleish Memorial Bursary
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
Barbara Brink Internship Science World
BC School Sports Awards & Scholarships
BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association
Betty Spalton Scholarship
BCSS / Subway Soccer Scholarships
Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers National Scholarship Program (CFIG)
Canadian Hospitality Foundation (CDN) Scholarship Program
Coast Capital Savings Education awards
Standing Tall Award
Confratellanza Italo-Canadense Society
Discover Skills BC Contest
District Scholarships
Growlings Biotech Essay Contest
International Teamsters Union Women’s Caucus Scholarship Program
Joint Diversity Scholarship
MADD Canada Bursaries
Matterison Endowment Fund Scholarship for Disabled Students
Overwaitea Food Group – UFCW Diversity Scholarship
Phillip Paulson Scholarship – Vancouver School Board
Royal Bank Children of RBC Employees
Royal Canadian Legion
Royal Commonwealth Sociaety Essay Competition
United Croats of Canada
King Tomoaslav Branch Scholarship & Bursaries
Vancouver College of Art and Design
Vancouver Firefighters Gordon Anderson Memorial
Vancouver Poppy Fund
Vie Moore Memorial Foundation Society
VSTA Scholarship Awards
Wal-Mart Community Scholarship Awards
*All information/deadlines/terms is subject to change
This listing is intended only as a guide.
These are some of the scholarships that have been awarded in the past years. This document will be updated only periodically. Students are responsible for confirming information with the granting organization. Students should also research financial awards from other sources such as the websites listed parent webpage. This list includes some entrance scholarships awarded by universities, colleges and trade schools. For complete information on entrance awards offered by post-secondary institutions, please visit their websites.