This Week’s Public Library Books

As you know from earlier posts, my family and I visit the public library every week after swimming lessons.  I have started writing about the books my family really likes to encourage others to find these books to enjoy.  I also like learning about books other people recommend too.  This week I asked my 3-year-old to pick one book he liked the best for me to write about.  He picked two!  He told me he “really, really, really, really, really likes them”.  Interestingly, both books have the same illustrator David Roberts.

This is a wonderful book!  The text rhymes and is very fun to say.  Young Ignacious (Iggy) Peck wants to be an architect.  He starts building when he is a baby.  His first structure is a tower of dirty diapers.

 Iggy also uses food, chalk and other items to create intricate buildings.  His second grade teacher doesn’t appreciate Iggy’s talent until he saves the class by building a bridge out of picnic supplies. 





The second book we enjoyed is:

Jack’s Granny has the moozles.  To cure her he travels with his two friends to the island of Blowyernose to get the fruit of the Flum Flum tree.  Along the way the trio use items in Granny’s patchwork sack to get out of trouble.  This book also has rhyming text that is fun to read and say.  The pictures are really fun too.  My kids and I found some hidden pictures on the pages.  For example, the illustrator hid a picture of the Troll from his book The Troll which is also written by Julia Donalson.

Do you have any book recommendations this week?

2 thoughts on “This Week’s Public Library Books

    • Hi Andrea,

      Thanks for taking the time to comment on our blog. My students are very excited to hear from a “real live author” and so am I! You have many fans! We visited your website too and we were sad to see you live far away and in another country. If you ever visit Canada please let us know.

      Robin Becker

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