Tag Archives: Motivation

4 Ways To Slow Your Life Down



We want immediacy — an instant message, an instant comment, an instant tick that will make our heads flip and our hearts whole. So, here is a proposal for everyone, myself included, on how to slow down and attempt a streamlined life.

1. Break away from social media.

Have a cut-off point in the evening to stop boredom-scrolling yourself into a panicked mess.

Seeing what people have done with their days when you may or may not have been watching back-to-back episodes of “Breaking Bad” all day long while nursing multiple cups of tea is not a great motivator to end your day on.

So, even though you may feel inclined to send future-proofing emails at 2 am, fuelled by faux social media pressure, it’s probably not the best idea.

Get ideas out of your head and onto some paper, close the book and then leave it for the morning. Besides, writing is easier with coffee in hand. And, you don’t want anymore caffeine at 2 am.

2. Put your phone on silent.

Simple, isn’t it?

Leave calls or emails on loud if necessary, but let the constant chirp of WhatsApp subside, let Snapchat silence and let Twitter snooze in a nest of quiet for a while.

When you’re trying to do something that requires your concentration, it’s near impossible when you get stuck watching your phone as it shimmies closer to the edge of the table with every message vibration. Stop unnecessarily challenging your attention. Just make it simple.

3. Be realistic.

While it may be fun to set challenging resolutions for the year ahead, be realistic with time frames.

It’s great to better yourself and carve new paths, but you can’t fill a bath with new skills and soak them all up like a sponge in one evening. (Although, someone should invent this. I would bulk order.) Things take time; don’t rush this and enjoy the time it takes to learn.

4. Try to stop comparing.

I could squash this paragraph full of clichés, but I’m going to try something designed to be constructive.

Accept moments for what they are — good or bad, exciting or mundane. If you don’t like something, try to change it. Don’t worry yourself with other people’s achievements, or compare yourself to how far someone the same age or younger than you has come.

Everyone falls; we just don’t run online to tell everyone about the day we cried until we were breathless, when we cared too much when we didn’t get the call or when we were crushed when we realized someone had moved on without us.

We’re all human; we all feel the same. It’s just scheduled at different times for different people.

And, in any case, you could be two days away from starting all over again — and starting fresh is fun.

It’s like getting a new textbook at school: It’s a bit scary, you feel pressured to use your best handwriting and keep everything neat in the beginning, but somewhere down the line, this ebbs away and things become more natural.

Mistakes happen, so we cross them out and we try again. Life isn’t a race; there is no agreed finish line or time in which to complete it. Slow down, enjoy small moments and try to stop comparing every small step you take to someone else’s stride.

article courtesy of Elite Daily

10 Life Lessons from Kermit



Here are the top 10 quotes from Kermit to help you live a full life.

1. “Life is like a movie; write your own ending.”

The rest is unwritten. You can take charge of your life and write your own script.

2. “There are never enough comfort stops. The places you’re going to are never on the map.”

Go for what you want, not what you think you can get. And, on your way to what you want, you might stumble upon greatness.

3. “Be one of the people who made a difference in the world. Leave the world a little better for having been here.”

You can make a difference just by being you. Focus on ways you can help and ways you can give, instead of focusing on what you can get.

4. “Dreams are how we figure out where we want to go. Life is how we get there.”

Don’t forget to dream big, but allow life to unfold and give you what you need.

5. “Be thankful for the bad things in life. For they opened your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.”

The happiest people in the world are thankful for what they do have on the way toward getting what they want.

6. “As long as I still believe, the dream is alive.”

Never ever give up on a dream, unless it leaves your heart. As long as you believe in it, your dream is possible.

7. “Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you, you know. Maybe you just need one person.”

So many people chase fame and fortune and gather Facebook friends in an effort to be seen and appreciated. All you need is one love, and it can come from one person – maybe even yourself.

8. “Every journey begins with a single hop.”

Your dreams may feel intimidating, and you may be wondering how you will get there. One step forward is all you need to take. Each step will reveal the next best right action.

9. “Just because you haven’t found your talent yet doesn’t mean you won’t.”

Everyone has a purpose and passion in life. If you haven’t yet found yours, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist; it just means you are still discovering. Enjoy the journey of exploration.

10. “Always be yourself. Never take yourself too seriously. And, beware of advice from experts, pigs and members of Parliament.”

The best advice in the world comes from your own heart. Always trust yourself.


article courtesy of Elite Daily