Goal Setting Review

Leadership class, I have found some good visuals that help to visually explain what we talked about in class regarding Goal Setting.

“If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call’failure’ is the falling down, but the staying up.” – Mary Pickford

When setting goals, please remember the following;

  1. Figure out what you want to achieve in life.
  2. Now you know where to concentrate and what to improve.
  3. Create well defined goals that can be measured and take pride once they are achieved.
  4. Long term goals need to be established first before the short term goals can be set.
  5. Make the goals attainable. Give yourself a chance to be successful!

Types of Goals


SMART – This helps to create those goals

Purpose of Goal Setting

  • Goals guide and direct behaviour
  • Goals provide clarity
  • Goals provide challenges and standards
  • Goals reflect what the goal setters considers important
  • Goals help improve performance
  • Goals increase the motivation to achieve
  • Goals help increase pride and satisfaction in your achievements
  • Goals improve self-confidence
  • Goals help decrease negative attitudes

Reports suggest goal setters tend to suffer less stress, have better concentration, show more self-confidence and seem to feel happier. Will that be you?

Good luck in setting those Goals!


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