JO PAC Minutes October 20, 2021
Date: Oct 20th, 2021
Location: Zoom
Attendance: Shannon Kaplun – PAC Chair, Darnelle Moore – Secretary, Samantha Anderson – DPAC Rep, Lara Spence – Communications, Sue Bains – Treasurer, Corina Tataru – Communications,, Brent Schieman – JO Principal,
- 37 others
Meeting called to order – Shannon
Motion to accept minutes from Sept 23, 2021 PAC Meeting/2nd – Sue/Samantha
Motion to adopt the agenda for tonight’s meeting/2nd -Sue/Samantha
Item 1 – Principal’s Report Brent Schieman
Still waiting for a permanent OAA
- the temporary OAA keeps getting pulled away to elementary schools
- The office is having a hard time keeping with the day to day admin
Parent Teacher Conferences will be online on Teams
- Oct 28th
- This will be the first time they have been done this way so the teachers and parents will have some learning and adjustments to make
- Log in to MyEd to see interim report cards
- If you would like to keep a copy of the interim report card, please download (print or save) it as the MyEd system has limited storage capacity so report cards will not be stored there
- Teachers have approx 150 students but only 22 time slots so please only book if you really need to speak with the teacher
- Note that teachers are available ANY time to talk about concerns about your child’s progress
School is getting back to “normal”
- There will be a clubs day
- Grade 8 Day
Photo Day
- Retakes Tuesday Oct 26th
- Grad photos in January
Pro D Oct 22nd
Earthquake drill Oct 21st
- In 2022 sometime there will be “reunification drill” and there may be a need for parent volunteers
Literacy/Numeracy exams have replaced Provincial Exams
- Grade 10 numeracy exams in November
- Grade 12 literacy exams in new year, stay tuned for date
- Rumor has it that this will be the first year that UBC will use the mark to determine acceptance into their programs (students need a ¾)
Auditorium Update
- Back order on computer chips so a delay in the sound system etc
- Hope to have it all set up for use soon
Grad Activities
- Will be somewhat back to normal this year
- Dry Grad outdoors?
- Grad breakfast is a possibility
- Kids looking at Krispy Kreme fundraiser (not allowed to sell in school)
- Murphy is the grad chair/sponsor, might need a parent sponsor for some of the fundraising ideas as they are not allowed to be VSB sanctioned
Field Trips/Events
- Probably no field trips until next year (complicated with vaccine passport situation)
- No audiences for school events; plays, games, concerts
- JO Classic Basketball Tournament is going ahead but there will be no audience
Item 2 Financial Update Sue Bains
Account Balances
- Gaming Account Balance – $21267.17
- ($20980.00 gaming grant came through)
- Consultative Account $6123.97
- Legacy Account $1082.14
All the balances are “true” ( all out going cheques have been cashed, and no outstanding expenditures from these balances)
Scholarships amounts:
- Usually 5 awarded for $750 each (4 from gaming, 1 from legacy)
Teachers/Staff/Students put together proposals and present to Mr Schieman, he checks to make sure there are not any other funds coming for those specific asks. He then will put together a list of asks for money from the PAC.
Item 3 DPAC Update Samantha Anderson
See previous meeting notes for definition/purpose of DPAC
Samantha asks: Does the JO PAC support the idea to “PAUSE” the decision for long term strategic planning at the VSB for 2 years until more data is collected?
- Not an official vote HOWEVER majority on the PAC meeting today are in favor of halting the process.
- There needs to be more transparency in the data
- VSB currently using a private company to collect the data
- VSB is not using census data to make decisions about school closures and upgrading
- Did you know: JO is on the list for seismic upgrading BUT it is not in the long range strategic plan?!?
- If you have any comments or concerns, please contact
Upcoming Meetings
2021 – November 17, 2022 – January 19, Feb 16, April 20, May 18, 7pm, Zoom
Motion to adjourn meeting / 2nd: Darnelle/ Samantha