


Factors in Resilience

coolA combination of factors contributes to resilience. Many studies show that the primary factor in resilience is having caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family. Relationships that create love and trust, provide role models and offer encouragement and reassurance help bolster a person’s resilience.

Several additional factors are associated with resilience, including:

  • The capacity to make realistic plans and take steps to carry them out.
  • A positive view of yourself and confidence in your strengths and abilities.
  • Skills in communication and problem solving.
  • The capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses.

All of these are factors that people can develop in themselves.

Strategies For Building Resilience

resilienceDeveloping resilience is a personal journey. People do not all react the same to traumatic and stressful life events. An approach to building resilience that works for one person might not work for another. People use varying strategies.

Some variation may reflect cultural differences. A person’s culture might have an impact on how he or she communicates feelings and deals with adversity — for example, whether and how a person connects with significant others, including extended family members and community resources. With growing cultural diversity, the public has greater access to a number of different approaches to building resilience.

Some or many of the ways to build resilience in the following pages may be appropriate to consider in developing your personal strategy.

10 ways to building Resilience


McGill Information Session – Vancouver


Students are invited to attend and speak with Recruitment and Admissions Officers about academic programs, campus activities, and student life in Montreal.

Vancouver – Saturday, November 26, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
York House School
4176 Alexandra St.
Vancouver, BC V6J 2V6

View Map

Registration is REQUIRED as space in limited.
to McGill in Mind at
Click Events, Choose Information Session and Click Register Me.


Career Day – Dreams to Reality


Registration Form 

Hello, Britannia Community Centre and The Girls’ Club at Girls Action Foundation are pleased to invite you to participate in the 7th edition of its Career Day: Dreams to Reality.

This event will be held Saturday November 26, 2016 from 1:00 to 3:30 pm at Britannia Secondary School (room 111).

This event will give girls (age 12-18) an opportunity to explore different career paths by connecting with female mentors from different fields. The goal of this event is to inform girls about the different career choices that are available to them.

If you know any girls who might be interested in participating in this event please share this information with them and email their registration forms.  Registration deadline is Nov 22, 2016

Canadian Armed Forces Information Session – Updated


The Canadian Armed Forces will be conducting an information session highlighting the opportunity for university-level subsidized education leading to a bachelor’s degree and a commission as an Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. All interested students and their families are invited to this presentation which will include information about the program, testimonials from Officer Cadets who are currently in the program, and information on the application process. The presentation will take place in Ottawa, however, it will also be streamed live on Periscope ( ) and Facebook ( ). The English presentation will take place on Saturday, October 29th at 1000 AM Pacific Standard Time. The French presentation will follow on the same day at 1200 PM Pacific Standard Time.


OCTOBER 29, 2016 10:00 AM

Introducing #3J’s Quick Fact Sheets (Coming Soon)



#3Js Quick Fact Sheets – Jackie, Joey & Johnny’s Quick Fact Sheets for several Canadian Universities will soon be available for download and quick view.  This is perfect for students to print or save to their phone — links and information they need to apply for scholarships, undergrad admissions and more…Watch for them in the coming weeks.

Kwantlan Polytech Webinar – 5 Keys to a Successful KPU application



Applying to a university can be daunting task, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! On Tuesday, November 1 at 7:00pm, attend “5 Keys to a Successful KPU Application” and get tips on how to make your application smooth and successful. This live, interactive webinar will provide specific guidance on:

  • steps to submitting your KPU application
  • admission requirements and application deadlines
  • how to check your application status
  • get a sneak peak of all KPU events







text link:

Education & Career Fair FAQ


Registration is still open for the 2016 Education & Career Fairs! Here are some of our most popular FAQ’s:

1. How do I register a large group of students?

You can use the dedicated links below to register your students, no matter how big or small! Just indicate if you are arriving by Bus or Car/Walk-in (Choose “1”) and then complete the rest of the EventBrite registration.

2. What is the Learning Lounge?

Seminars, presentations and demonstrations by our exhibitors take place at the Learning Lounge. Join in and listen to experts give advice on college applications, writing a resume, creating your LinkedIn profile and more. The schedule for the Learning Lounge will be released by email in October. 

3. What is the “Plan Your Trip” Quiz?

The “Plan Your Trip” Quiz helps your students, counsellors and career facilitators plan which exhibitors to visit according to your interests. If you’re  wanting to connect with schools & employers that have are connected to Trades, it will list everyone you can speak to (depending on which Fair you’re visiting).

4. Which schools and companies will be there?

The List of Exhibitors is updated daily on our website! 



Introductions – J. Mulder & J. Lau

District Career Information Advisor

The Vancouver School Board has two district career information advisors:

Jackie Mulder
j-mulderJackie has been with the Vancouver School Board for twenty-eight years, for the past twenty-two years has been a C.I.A with the District. During this time, Jackie managed and ran two busy Career Centre’s.

In her new role at District Learning Services, Jackie will be responsible for promoting the trade programs for SSA & ACE IT through Tech Ed classes, Planning 10, and guidance classes, etc. Arrange for prospective trade’s students to explore programs through “Student for a Day”, planning events, coordinating travel plans etc. Jackie is looking forward to working with counsellors, staff and students in the Vancouver schools.

Jackie will be responsible for organizing the following events:
> Journey into the Trades;
> SkillsBC provincial competition;
> #LikeaGirl fieldtrip
> Filipino/Vietnamese parent night for trades
> Parent night for trades

Joesph Lau (Joey)

j-lauCollege/ Universities, scholarships, bursaries, resources for Parents, Staff and Students, & more.

A brief description of Joey’s role and responsibilities:

For the past twenty-five years, Joey has been working in Special Education with the Vancouver School Board. Moving to the newly created District Career Advisor Role, he is ready to embrace the exciting, busy and fast paced work with the Career Planning Team.

The biggest shift for career planning staff in the district will be utilizing the online resources being developed and available 24/7. Joey’s responsibilities include maintaining & sharing information through the new Career Information Blog and building capacity using Social Media to engage the students seeking out their career futures.

Joey will be utilizing your support by sharing events and information sessions, changes in applications, scholarship details, bursary opportunities, volunteering and more to your students.

Further responsibilities to include:
> Legal Ed Boot Camp & Parent as Career Coaches
> Organize student focus groups
> Liaise with Career Program Staff on pertinent information