Vancouver Community College Info Sessions

VCCVCC offers a long list of information session for the variety of programs.

On Friday September 16, they are hosting “Access to Careers and Education” and other sessions on September 19th & 26th.  These information sessions are by registration and open to all.  See the extensive list and details on the VCC website or download list of dates here

Access to careers and education

Find out what you want to do with your life and learn to self-market by taking career planning, communications and job search courses at VCC. Join us for a brief information session to find out about these great part-time courses.



SFU is coming to you!

SFU information session have been schedule throughout Vancouver Schools

See below for your secondary school

Sir Winston Churchill CUE Fair Friday October 9
Templeton Secondary Monday October 26
Sir Charles Tupper Monday October 26
Kitsilano Secondary Monday October 26
Van Tech Tuesday October 27
Sir Winston Churchill Tuesday October 27
Britannia Secondary Tuesday October 27
John Oliver secondary Wednesday October 28
Windermere Secondary Thursday October 29
Eric Hamber Secondary Thursday October 29
Lord Byng Thursday October 29
King George Secondary Friday October 30
Gladstone Secondary Thursday November 5
Magee Secondary Wednesday November 18
David Thompson Monday November 23
Sir Winston Churchill Tuesday November 24
Killarney Secondary Monday November 23
University Hill Wednesday November 25
Vancouver Tehchnical Thursday November 26
Prince of Wales Secondary Tuesday December 1
Point Grey Secondary Thursday December 3


SFU Requirement Averages

1463159235748.rendition-smallWith the arrival of official interim marks for grade 12 applicants, we have confirmed offers for students who continue to meet their required admission average, and have made new offers to applicants who now meet our admission requirements.

To maintain an offer of admission students must:

·         Graduate from secondary school

·         Maintain a minimum admission average of 70% on final official grades

·         Achieve a minimum final blended grade of 60% in English 12 (including provincial exam results)

·         Achieve a minimum final grade of 60% in one of the acceptable Math 11 or Math 12 courses

To maintain an offer of scholarship students must:

·         Maintain a minimum admission average of 90% or 31 IB points on final official grades for all entrance scholarships, except the Academic Excellence scholarship, which requires 95% or 34 IB points.

more info (direct link to SFU admissions)

VSB Presents: Parents as Career Coaches

STILL SPACE AVAILIBLE – VSB Presents: Parents as Career Coaches Workshop


Parents as Career Coaches is a two session, four hour (total) interactive workshop designed to help parents of grade 9–12 students become more effective career development allies for their children. They are introduced to the concepts of coaching and given practical tools and research skills to help them as they coach their youth.

The group setting provides support and an opportunity to network with other parents. pacc-flyer-edited-2016

November 15 & 22, 2016 6:30 – 8:30 pm Churchill Cafeteria