October Newsletter

October 3, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Students and Staff have settled into their new classes and are enjoying their new learning environments.  It was great to see everyone at our Meet the Teacher night. I would like to invite all NEW families to Gordon to the school on Wednesday, […]

June Newsletter

June 3, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Even though it does not feel like June, we only have four weeks left of school. It has been a challenging year but the Gordon Community has persevered and I cannot thank everyone enough for your kindness, compassion and support. It was amazing […]

May Newsletter

May 2, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Staff and students are excited that we have been able to open things up a bit and plan for things like fieldtrips and other end of year activities. We are still cautious though as not everyone is comfortable yet to return to what […]

April Newsletter

April 1, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It has been wonderful to have our students back after Spring Break, especially to see their faces! As you know, masks are now optional. Many of our students and staff are deciding to continue to wear them, and the office has extras for […]

March Newsletter

February 25, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It was certainly a surprise to wake up yesterday morning to the city covered in a blanket of snow. But then again with the way these last two years have gone, we are learning to expect the unexpected! Thank you to families for […]

February Newsletter

January 28, 2022 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS I hope everyone had a restful winter vacation! We are happy to have been able to welcome back our students to Gordon, albeit a late start. I wanted to start by thanking all the families that supported our Food Drive and Covenant House. […]

December Art Work

December 17, 2021 gordon 0

SEASONS GREETINGS Wishing Gordon Families a restful and healthy winter break with friends and family. We look forward to seeing everyone back here in the New Year! Please click on the link below to view our hallways with art work our students did this term. […]

December Newsletter

November 30, 2021 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS It is hard to believe that it is already December. What an amazing and action-packed few months we have had here at Gordon. Students have settled into a routine and are engaged and enthusiastic about their learning. Special thank you to Mr. Patrick, […]

November Newsletter

October 28, 2021 gordon 0

GORDON HAPPENINGS Students and staff have settled into learning and there is a great buzz in the hallways.  Thank you for your participation in our goal setting conferences.  Staff look forward to continuing this collaborative relationship with parents and guardians as part of our continuing […]

Meet the Staff at Gordon Elementary

October 8, 2021 gordon 0

Meet the Staff at General Gordon for the 2021-2022 school year.  Special thank you to Ms. Anchant and Mr. Carter for their expertise in putting together the video and for Tahmi and a few students for taking the pictures. Hope you enjoy it! Click HERE […]