Pink Shirt Day

All staff and students are encouraged to wear pink.

Student Led Conferences

We will have early dismissal on these days. Students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm.

Spring Break

No school for staff and students.

Immunization Clinic

Immunization clinic will take place on April 14. Families will have been emailed a form to fill out if your child is due their immunizations. Please contact our school nurse, Emily Ho at if you have any questions.

Class Photo Day

We are excited to have Artona returning on Wednesday, April 5 to take class photos as well as sports teams, school clubs and the Grade 7 photos. Students will be getting a class photo and the other photos will be in our school yearbook that everyone [...]

Immunization Clinic

Our regular childhood immunization clinic will take place on Friday, April 14. If your child is required to receive their immunization, you will receive a letter from our community health nurse, Emily Ho. These were sent home with your child prior to Spring Break. You [...]