March Newsletter


It has been a great month here at Gordon with some amazing learning happening. Thanks to all the families who supported our SOGI Club and bought a pink shirt. We sold over 200 t-shirts and raised $700 thanks to Steve at Abbies for topping up the donation amount! Our Pink Shirt Day assembly was amazing with a number of students and staff participating in the message that we are accepting of everyone, and Gordon is a safe place no matter who you choose to be.

Some of our students and Mr. Nylund were featured on this month’s VSB podcast: After the Bell which talks about the history of Pink Shirt Day, what it means to be kind to others and the importance of gender identity and expression. Visit our website or click HERE to listen to the podcast.

It is hard to believe that Spring Break is just around the corner. Spring Break this year is Monday, March 13 to Friday, March 24. First day back for students is Monday, March 27. If your child will be leaving for holidays before these dates or returning to school later, please contact Ms. Heidi in the office to let her know ( Thank you.


Our student-led conferences are this Wednesday, March 1 and Thursday, March 2. Both these days are early dismissal days so students will be dismissed at 2:00 PM. You will have received an email from your child’s classroom teacher with a link to Microsoft Bookings to sign-up for an appointment. Conferences will be in-person. We look forward to seeing you!


In order to organize our school for next year, it is important that we know which students will not be returning to Gordon for the 2023-2024 school year. If you have a child in Kindergarten to Grade 6 this year, please click on the link below to let us know if your child WILL NOT be returning to Gordon for the 2023-2024 school year. Please fill out the form for EACH child attending Gordon and submit it by MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2023.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this. Should your situation change before the end of the school year, please contact the office as soon as possible with any new information. No child will be transferred out of Gordon until a formal request is made from the new school.

Please click HERE to fill out the online form.


This is a reminder for all students, but especially our intermediate students, that use of cell phones, SmartWatches or other digital devices are not to be used at school unless specifically required by the classroom teacher during class time for a project or activity. All devices are to remain in backpacks and turned off during school time. The school has laptops and iPads for student use as well as a phone in the office if a student needs to call home. If a student is using their device outside of class specific actives then it will be held by the classroom teacher or in the office. If a student misuses their device at school then a parent could be called to come pick it up. Classroom teachers will be reviewing with their classes the VSB Acceptable Use of Technology Policy which can be found by clicking HERE. Please discuss with your child the appropriate use of their device and how to safely navigate the internet and social media accounts. Safer Schools Together has a number of great resources for parents around internet safety.


Every year, the Vancouver School Board (VSB) adopts a budget for the upcoming school year. To help inform the Board’s budget considerations, we seek feedback and input from rights-holders, the District’s formal stakeholder groups, members of school communities and the broader Vancouver public.

There a several ways to share feedback and provide input: 

  1. Complete the online survey by March 3, 2023.
  2. Present at a budget Committee-of-the-Whole meeting (scheduled for April 19 and April 24, 2023). Presenters must request to be added to the speakers’ list via email ( by 4:30 p.m. the Wednesday before the meeting.
  3. Submit written input to the Board (via mail: Attention: Secretary Treasurer’s Office, 1580 West Broadway, Vancouver V6J 5K8 – or by sending an email to

Please visit our website for more information.


Tuesday, February 28 is Tacky Tourist Day! Dress like a tourist. A huge shout-out to our Student Council who continues to bring community spirit to Gordon. We appreciate all your hard work!


Our Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony will be on Thursday, June 22 at 1:30 pm. We are looking for a group of parents that would like to help with the planning which will start after Spring Break. Please let Ms. Steele know if you are interested in helping.


Classes have been busy this month with a number of projects and activities. Below are just a few examples of the wonderful learning students have done.

Div. 1 – Mr. Atterton’s class.

Div. 2 – Ms. Goldie’s class.

Div. 7 – Mr. Nylund’s class

Div. 9 – Ms. Ubeda & Ms. Rassias’ class

Div. 15, 16 & 17 – The Kindergarteners sent letters of kindness to different K classes in the District and these are the letters they recieved back in recognition of Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17.

Our Librarian, Ms. Macdonald, has a number of amazing books on display as well for students to enjoy!