November Newsletter


Students and staff have settled into learning and there is a great buzz in the hallways.  Thank you for your participation in our goal setting conferences.  Staff look forward to continuing this collaborative relationship with parents and guardians as part of our continuing Communication of Student Learning (CSL).  You can find more information on our website that explains what CSL is and how the VSB has shifted to strength based reporting and assessment.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank the teachers and staff that ran very successful Cross Country teams for both primary and intermediate students.  Mr. Patrick and Ms. Kassam with the Intermediate team and Ms. Sinclair, Mr. Carter, Ms. Stamp and Ms. R who helped with the primary team.  Students showed their Gordon spirit by participating with great sportsmanship and athleticism.  If you have a child in grades 5-7, information has been sent home regarding our Volleyball Teams.

It is with great excitement that we are announcing the completion of the new playground equipment generously sponsored by our school PAC!  Special thank you to our Gordon parent, Lim McCuaig, as well as other parents who were part of the playground committee and PAC Executive and Mr. Carter, our teacher representative.  This new addition to our play space will be very much enjoyed by our intermediate students.


We know that many of our students may choose to dress up on Friday, October 29th.

Here are a few guidelines:

  1. Students will still be required to wear a non-medical mask.  We request that there be no full-face masks as multiple layers may cause breathing difficulties.
  2. All COVID protocols will continue so please ensure that it is easy for students to wash their hands.
  3. Please, no weapons, scary costumes (i.e., with fake blood) or sharing of face paint or other accessories.
  4. Please ensure student’s costumes are culturally sensitive.  We do not want to inadvertently mimic culture by culturally appropriating racial or ethnic groups.  Teachers will be discussing this important topic in class but this YouTube video is one resource that parents can share with their children.
  5. Students will be going outside at recess and lunch and will require rain gear.
  6. Please look for an email from your child’s classroom teacher regarding any other Hallowe’en activities.


Kindergarten registration for children born in 2017 begins on November 1st.

All kindergarten applicants who were born in Canada are required to submit an application to their English catchment elementary school. This includes families who wish to apply for choice programs (French Immersion, Montessori, etc.) and/or a cross boundary placement.  The priority registration period for Kindergarten opens on November 1st and closes January 31st. Students who submit an application within this priority period will be accommodated before late applicants.

Please note: Students born outside Canada must first register at the Newcomer Welcome Centre (NWC).  Please see the NWC website for more specific information about registration procedures.

Applying for Kindergarten is a 2-Step Process:

Step 1: First, register your child online at The online tool automatically locates the English catchment school based on a family’s primary home address. 

Step 2: Once information is submitted online, families need to complete the application process with a visit to their neighbourhood catchment school with their child and the required documents before January 31, 2022.  If your neighbourhood school is Gordon Elementary then please call the school office at 604-713-5403 Ext 2 to make an appointment to verify your supporting documentation.

Supporting Documents Needed:

Please click on this link to a pdf document with a checklist outlining required documentation needed to complete your child’s application process.

If you wish to apply for a Kindergarten Choice program you must first apply to your English catchment elementary school. Please see our school website for more information on Kindergarten Choice Programs and important dates.  As Gordon is considered a full school, we are NOT able to accept any cross-boundary applications at this time.


Our school wide Remembrance Day Ceremony will be done online this year.  You will find that your child has two Microsoft Teams accounts, one for their individual classroom and one for the whole school community which will be used for this assembly.  More information will follow closer to the date but please keep Wednesday, November 10th at 11:00 am available if you would like to participate.  You can make a donation to the Vancouver Poppy Fund through SchoolCash Online starting November 1st.


If you have ordered your pictures already online they have been received at the school and have now been sent home.  Any parents who did not have a chance to order or wanted to see the photo first, will receive a card with this years photo on it.  If you would like to order photos, instructions on how to do so are contained on the card.  If you would like your child to have their photo redone, they can bring this card with them on photo day and ask for a free retake.  Any student who missed the original photo date will have their photo taken on Tuesday, November 2ndPlease click here for more information.


Information was sent home with all grade 6 and 7 students who require their regular childhood immunizations.  Please complete the forms contained in the envelope and return it to the school as soon as possible.  The clinic will be held on Wednesday, November 3rd.