SS 8 – Current Events – Mr. Jakoy

There are several places you can go to find news stories.

For local news, try out the Vancouver Courier.

The Vancouver Sun and Province are also available, and these are the full, online subscriptions (just like the print versions; not a just a website). To get to these, go to the Digital Library (look up at the top bar on this page), and click on Vancouver Sun (or Province). There are several other newspapers from across Canada that can be viewed as well. A username and password is needed to get access; please talk to Ms. Parungao or Mrs. Montroy for these.

For national and international news stories, some great sites are CBCCNN,  or BBC.  You can also take a look at the Globe and Mail.

Please do not just Google to find a story. It’s important that you go directly to a reputable news organization such as one of the ones mentioned above.

Now, as always, you must say where you got your wonderful, current events story from. This is very important!

You will need to create a Works Cited, and the format for an online newspaper story goes like this:

Author’s last name, first name. “Article Title.” Newspaper title. Name of

sponsor, date of publication: page. Web. Date of access.

The date of publication should be in this order: Day Month Year, and remember to abbreviate the month. If no page is given, put n. pag. Also, the second line (and third..) of each citation should be tabbed in.

It is also VERY important to cite your images!! Please go to Easybib, choose “all 59 Options”, then choose Digital Image. Fill in the blanks, and the “Create Citation”.

Wikimedia Commons is a good place to get images (many of them are free for you to use).

To see some examples of Works Cited, please click on Works Cited on the menu bar at the top of this page. Then click on “Works Cited Sample”.

Power Point Presentation:


Please keep in mind that the version of Microsoft at school is 2010. If you are using another version at home (2007 or 2003), you need to save it as Power Point 97-2003. Some of the features will not be available. For more tips, here is a youtube video:  Creating a Presentation – Power Point 2010 .

Have fun, and make sure to ask Mr. Jakoy or one of the Teacher Librarians if you need any help!