Pre-Calculus 11E – Beauty in Math – Ms. Vidas

In our busy daily lives, it is easy to lose sight of the simple beauty around us.  The purpose of this assignment is to take (make) some time to explore and analyze some of the beauty in mathematics.  Galileo said “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God used to write the universe.”  Can you give an example of what he meant?  Alternatively, is there a puzzle or pattern that fascinates you and you would like to share with the class?  The goal is to attract people to mathematics so keep the project simple and highly visual. 

Here is a copy of the assignment (Beauty in Math – Vidas

The start of some useful links:
Why Study Fractals?  Standards-Based Math Activities
NRICH: Enriching Mathematics

Links for Visuals:
Wikimedia Commons:  Category Mathematics

We are building a bank of great links from the World Wide Web.  When you find some, please e-mail them, with a phrase or sentence about why you sent them, to Ms. Parungao and Ms. Vidas so we can add them to this assignment page.

Citing Your Sources
Remember to keep track of your sources, including visual images (pictures) as you do your research.  If you use EasyBib, please make sure that you double check each entry.  After creating a citation, be sure to double-check it against the Gladstone MLA7 handout.