Law 12 – Drug Research and Case Study – Ms. Shao

Welcome to the class page for the Drug Case study for Law 12.

Just some things to remember for your group part of the project:

  • As a group you will research together the details of the drug and write up a single, group, Works Cited using Noodletools (one person creates the “Project” in Noodletools and then “Shares” it with the other group members; it will then be collaborative). Each person needs to do at least ONE citation each.
  • Remember to consider credibility, reliability and accuracy when using sources online. See below for links to specific websites.

Drug information to collect:

  • What is the drug? What does it do? (both positive and negative effects) What form(s) does it take? What are the street name(s)? What are the effects and side effects? How is it derived? (Naturally? Synthesized?)
  • There are several books here in the library to use. There is also a very good e-book available on Webcat. Please go to the e-book/video section of Webcat and click on GVRL (Gale Virtual Reference Library) in the left-hand column. You will need the username and password (please see Ms. M for that if you need it). Scroll down to the section on Medicine, then choose the UXL Encyclopedia of Drugs and Addictive Substances. To find information within this e-book, type your subject into the search bar under the heading “Tools” in the top right-hand corner. This is set up exactly like an encyclopedia (we have the actual 4 volume set of encyclopedias here in the library), so searching is the same.

Information for the individual part of the project:

  • For the individual Case Analysis/Report, use Times New Roman, size 12 font and double space.
  • 1 report per person
  • You must include a hard copy of the actual court case/news article (see below)
  • You must also include a separate Works Cited for the case/news article (these sources should not be in the group Works Cited for the drug research)
  • The report MUST include the following (this report should only about 1 – 1.5 pages long):
    • your own summary of the case and a hard copy of the case
    • the maximum possible penalty regarding this drug as given in the Controlled Drugs and Substance Act/Criminal Code
    • the specific offenses
    • the actual sentence
    • your opinion: do you agree with the sentence? Why or why not?

Websites for information on Canadian Law: 

Website of Criminal Lawyer Ron Jourard (Toronto) – Drug Offences

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Supreme Court, 1996 Government of Canada: Justice Laws website)

The Canadian Legal Information Institute (Federation of Law Societies of Canada)  This website gives access to Canadian court judgements, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations, as well as case commentaries and summaries.

The Canadian Criminal Law Notebook (Legislation, Principles and Case Law in Canada)

Websites for information on Drugs:

Controlled and Illegal Drugs (their uses, effects, mental and physical health risks) from the Government of Canada

Commonly Abused Drugs Charts from The National Institute on Drug Abuse (US Government)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

News sources appropriate for this assignment:


The Globe and Mail

Global News Canada

CTV  News

The National Post

News sources NOT appropriate for this assignment:

24h, Metro, The Vancouver Courier, The Province, The Vancouver Sun