Japanese 9 – Festivals (Nihon No Matsuri) – Ms. White

Welcome to the class page for Ms. White’s Japanese 9 class!

Here you will find all the information you need to successfully plan, research and complete your project.

Here is a copy of the handout (just in case you misplace your copy): Japanese 9 Festival Project White 2014

For this assignment you are required to present your information to the class both orally and visually. For the visual part you may use the Presentation feature in Google Drive. In order to do this you will need to create a Google account (if you don’t have one). If you already have an account (you will have an account automatically if you use Gmail), then go to Google Drive. The icon looks like this and can be found in the top right hand corner of your gmail page (when you click the 9 little squares):

Once in Google Drive, click on Create (in the red box on the top left-hand side of the screen), then choose “Presentation”. This feature in Google Drive allows you to create a slide show online (like powerpoint) that you can all work on together. What we suggest is for ONE group member to create the presentation, then to SHARE it with the other group members. Keep in mind that all group members will need to have a Google Account. If you are the one SHARING, make sure you give each person the ability to EDIT.

You are also going to need to make a Works Cited for all the images you use in your slideshow on Google Drive. We suggest you use Easybib, and we will show you how.