English 12 – Brave New World – Mr. Gehrels/Ms. Burdon


Here are copies of your assignment and of the marking rubric (in case you need another copy):

Brave New World

Brave New World-Rubric

For this assignment you are required to complete a Works Cited. We suggest that you create an account with Easybib. To do so, click on “Register” in the top right hand corner of the page. Remember, don’t create an account with Facebook or any of the other web tools that are suggested on the left. Instead register using your email address and password. There is no need to enter your name, but if you would like to just use your first name and last name initial only.

There is lots of information about Works Cited under the Works Cited tab above. Please take a minute to watch the short screen cast if you are not very familiar with Easybib. When you have finished entering your citations, click on “Export or Print“, then on “Print as Word Doc“. The result will be a lovely Works Cited!! Remember to put your name on the Works Cited as well.

Please note the following criteria for this assignment:

  1. Works Cited page with at least three sources.
    1. One must be a book, one must be a database.
    2. Credible academic sources (ie. NOT Wikipedia, chat forums, etc.)
    3. Follow MLA style guidelines.