Cafeteria 11/12 – Cooking Terms Prezi – Ms. Chong

For this class you will be making a Prezi to explain cooking terms.

Each of you will receive THREE cooking  terms. Your task is to find a video (that is no longer than 2 minutes) that describes each term. You will then upload the video to a Prezi and include a citation. Mrs. Montroy will show you how to use Prezi, and you will have some time to practice.

As well, you will need to write a short definition of the cooking term and include it with the video.

The marking criteria will be as follows:

1 mark – Your name and the title of the assignment written clearly on the prezi

12 marks– 3 videos; each no more than 2 minutes long.

  • 1 mark for each video (3)
  • 1 mark for the length (3)
  • 2 marks for appropriateness of each one (6)

3 marks– Title in each bubble.

3 marks– Brief definition of each term in each bubble (correctly cited)

3 marks– Correct citation for each video in a text box under each video (*see more information below*)

8 marks– Recipe

  • Must serve 4 (you may need to do some calculations).
  • Measurement must be in both imperial  and metric.
  • Must cite source (in a text box below the recipe)

Total- 30 marks

*Citing a video (from youtube): you may use Easybib to help make the citations for this project.

Go to Easybib. Click on “All 59 options”, then choose “Film/Online Video”. Make sure you select the correct location of where you found the video. For most of you it will be “Online”. Fill in the fields as best as you can. Keep in mind that some information will not be available.

It is quite likely that the recipe you use will be from the internet. In that case, you will be citing a website. You may use Easybib as well for this. Once you have chosen “Website”, ensure you enter as much information as you can find. We do not recommend using the “Autocite” feature as there are often many mistakes.

Lastly, it may be a good idea to create a Easybib account. This makes it easier to store your work. Also, once you are finished, make sure you click on “Export or Print”, then choose one of the options (Print as Word doc is a good one)

The Prezis will be shared in a future class.

Have fun!!

Mrs. Montroy and Ms. Parungao