Biology 11 – Ms. Goodridge

Here are some helpful links for your assignment:

Easy Bib A citation builder. It’s not perfect, so you need to check that all the boxes are filled in before hitting “Create Citation”. Click on the tab “ALL 58 options”, then on “photograph” or “digital image” to help you build your citation for any images you use.

Citation Guidelines- MLA 7  Scroll down to the bottom of the second page for information about citing visual art (images).

Simon Fraser University Library- Finding and Using Online Images – A guide from SFU that gives information about how to use and cite images that are found online. Scroll down to find the information about citing images (“Citation in a list of Works Cited – MLA style”)

Sources for images (that may or may not have copyright- make sure you check!)


Wikimedia Commons

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology- All about Birds