Manik love

imageWhat we are presently working on


 ya go’n a Show me?

How ya go’n a Draw me?

A Ground beneath my feets
backOctober 10

Manik Love…

Yo, Yo Peace y’all.
How ya go’n a Do me?
How ya go’n a Show me?
How ya go’n a Draw me?

Down in the four straights
in dis all white hood
it’s up to me not da fates
If I only Could’s
-get otta here.

yo, yo. So y’all.
How ya go’n a Do me?

Howground and foreground
no, Yo, no,  not on the streets
No more messing around
-Its time to work it out

Go, Go. GO y’all.
How ya go’n a Do me?
How ya go’n a Show me?
How ya go’n a Draw me?

Remember, at the end of next class you will all share out your ideas.


Size 18 x 24″ paper
A ground, back ground and a subject



Feb 24

We are now going to turn our heads and hands to a Public art project.

Please read South Hill Art Plan.

Feb 18 Your Skratchboard Superhero’s  are now due!

Dec 14

Wow, what a few weeks- I am loving working in our Learning Commons.  Can’t wait to see you presentations tomorrow!!



Nov 15 New project!!!

Scratchboard Superhero

Artwork ©Dirk Shearer,


Nove 1

Space, face, collage and charcoal.

Sept 30th

I am sick… please work on putting your eyes, nose and mouth all together.  Don’t worry about anything else.  But they and do at least 5, YES FIVE, full drawings!!!  first one in line only, then progressively add value.

I can’t wait to see what you do!!!

Sept 23nd

New project is a Self-Portrait Drawing Project

This will be hard- you you can get it if you work hard.

Sept 20th

Hey, Keep working on you drawing- it takes EFFORT AND HARD WORK TO GET BETTER!!!

September 16th

Leaf sketching in SB…

First project is Ribon drawwing!!! – ok I know,  this ain’t fun, but it sure builds skilz!!!

Remember you edges and the smoth transitions from one tone to the next.

Sept 14th

Is relistic drawing of Leaves.

You will have a few classes to get warmed up, remember or learn some skilz and then I will be giving you a piece of paper and the real fun begins!!!


Welcome to a new school year!

In this class there 11’s and 12’s some new to art some have been taking it for years.  One thing that all of you will have in common is a sketchbook.  And we’er going to use them!!!

Take a look at the work of Wayne Jiang

And here is an AMAZING site full of wonderful images Artist sketchbooks online

Why keep a sketchbook?

Many artists keep sketchbooks in which they experiment with ideas and collect drawings of their environment. Sketchbooks are like visual diaries for artists. Artists often use them for planning and developing their work.

  • The most famous artist sketchbooks are those of Leonardo da Vinci. His sketchbooks are filled with drawings, diagrams and written notes of things he saw and ideas he came up with.
  • Picasso produced 178 sketchbooks in his life time. He often used his sketchbooks to explore themes and make compositional studies until he found the right idea and subject for a larger painting on canvas.
  • Henry Moore, a British sculptor, filled one of his sketchbooks with drawings of sheep that often wandered by the window outside his studio.

If you want to be an artist, it’s a good idea to start keeping a sketchbook around with you all the time. You can draw in your sketchbook, write in it, and stick photographs and other things you find in it. Later on, you can return to your sketch-book when you’re looking for ideas for making works of art.

To begin, purchase a simple spiral-bound sketchbook and drawing pencil from an art supply store. Or, make your own sketchbook. Personalize your sketchbook by drawing something on the cover and then writing your name and the date on it.

Carry your sketchbook around with you wherever you go. Look for things to record in your sketchbook. Remember that as an artist you have to look closely at things. You may find it difficult at first to stand still and draw something outside, especially if there are people around. Don’t mind them or any comments they might make. And don’t worry if some of your drawings don’t turn out like you want them to. You can make mistakes in your sketchbook and you’ll get better with practice. Drawing requires courage!

Try to fill one page of your sketchbook everyday. Getting started is always difficult, especially when you have a new, empty book. If you don’t know where to start, try one of the following ideas. Once you’ve done your first sketchbook, the next ones will be easier and even more rewarding.

  • Many artists choose a theme to follow in their sketchbooks. For example, you might decide to focus on portraits of people (like your family and friends) in your first sketchbook. You might draw scenes around your neighborhood. Or, you might draw views you see when looking out windows (something that Henri Matisse, a French artist, liked to do).
  • Most people have collections of things. A collection can make a good theme for a sketchbook. If you have a collection of toys or dolls, draw pictures of them in your sketchbook. (Did you know Andy Warhol liked to draw pictures of toys?) You can also draw pictures of shoes, old hats, tools, kitchen utensils, or other items found around your house.
  • If you like comic books, your sketchbook can be a place to invent new comic-book characters and to develop story-lines for your own comics.
  • If you have a dog or cat as a pet, try drawing pictures of it in your sketchbook. Don’t worry if your pet moves before you finish your drawing. As you get to know your pet better by drawing it, you’ll probably be able to go back and finish any uncompleted drawings of it later on.
  • Drawing things from unusual points of view is good practice for an artist. For example, try drawing trees while sitting directly underneath them.
  • If you go on a family trip or class field trip, take your sketchbook along to draw. It can be become a record of your journey and the things you saw.
  • You don’t have to draw things you see in your sketchbook. It can be a place to make designs and experiment with different types of lines and shapes.

The more you sketch the easier it gets and the better your skills will be!

Assignment #1

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