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Archive for the 'Biology 12' Category

Bio 12 Mind check for Digestion Quiz

Digestion Quiz 3 : Hormones, Disease and nutrition



Mouth to stomach 1.     So what disease is linked to poor dental care and inflammation of gums.
2.     What is the effect of large populations of Helico pylori in the stomach
Hormones 1.     What are the four hormones of the digestive system
2.     What influences the secretion of these hormones.
3.     An inflamed gall bladder would cause pain, which hormone would trigger this?
Disease 1.     There are a variety of intestinal disorders, are hemorrhoids one of them?
2.     Failure of the pancreas to produce insulin with cause which disease?
3.     Failure of the pancreas to produce sodium bicarbonate with cause what symptoms?
4.     If the large intestine becomes irritated and peristalsis increases, what symptom would occer?
5.     How are hepatitis A and B controlled by public health measures?
6.     What causes jaundice and what are the symptoms
7.     Anemia is a symptom for which food deficiencies?
8.     What causes anorexia nervosa? What are the symptoms?
9.     Can the well being of bones and the heart be affected by having to many or two few nutrients? What are they?
Diet 1.     Considering the USDA recommended diet, what are some things that should be in a well rounded diet.
2.     What are some know facts about LDL and HDL lipids and cholesterol build up?
3.     What is the role of antioxidants and where can they be found?
4.     Eating probiotics increase the population of bacteria in the large intestines. What can these bacteria provide through their metabolism?
5.     What are four diseases that can be due to deficient or excess diets?
6.     Too much protein can lead to what symptoms?
7.     What excess in nutrients can lead to dehydration?
8.     What causes appendicitis and which organ is responsible for this disease?
9.     What causes lactose intolerance and what are the symptoms?
10.  Why are simple sugars called empty calories?
11.  Why are some amino acids called “essential amino acids”?
12.  Can a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet lower blood cholesterol and LDL levels
13.  What is the role of dietary fibre?
14.  Does a high level of saturated fats reduce levels of LDL to cholesterol in the blood?
15.  Is obesity a disease or a disorder?
16.  What is the order of fat digestion from the lumen of intestine to the blood stream? How would this be influenced do to removal of gall bladder.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Practice Quiz References and have No Comments

Anatomy and Physiology (muscle cells) Jan 10th 2020

Anatomy and Physio Tissues Labs (Muscle Tissue) Jan 8th 2020



Topic Key Points Resource


Organs are made of tissues Worksheet labelling tissues found in anatomical structures

Three  types of muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle

Smooth muscle

Overview by Khan academy



Skeletal muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Voluntary (controlled movement)

b)    Striation due to overlapping protein.

c)     Due to overlapping muscle bundles they appear multi nucleated



Cardiac Muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Involuntary ( autonomic nervous)

b)    Cylindrical fibres

c)     Intercalates discs ( join cells )

What is the function of the intercalated discs?




Smooth muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Spindle shaped fibres

b)    Central nuclei

c)     Found in walls of internal organs or viscera.

d)    Contracts (involuntary via autonomic system.

e)    Called “smooth” due to lack of striation

Which organs have smooth muscle?

Videos on muscles

Crash Course



Muscle Basics for Athletes



Take home The job of muscle is to move something.

Striation is linked to what?

What organelles would be in muscle and why?

What elements are vital for muscles and why?

Worksheet handed out for lab
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Anatomy and Physiology Lesson Jan 8

Anatomy and Physio Tissues Labs ( Epithelial Tissue) Jan 8th2020



Topic Key Points Resource


Organs are made of tissues Worksheet labelling tissues found in anatomical structures Overview by Khan academy



Epithelial tissues Are defined by

a)     Layers ( simple or striated)

b)    Shape of cells




c)     Cell membrane structurs such as cilia



Role of tissues Note: diversity of names of epithelial tissue is due to diversity of functions of the tissue.

Functions (5):








posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Acme Guide for Anatomy and Physiology DNA and Enzyme evolution

Acme Guide for Anatomy and Physiology DNA to Enzymes Test


Basics ·      What is the backbone of DNA composed of?

·      What compliment base pairs?

·      What structures in DNA make “genes”?

·      Why are the amounts of Adenine in DNA equal to Thymine?

·      If a gene has 120 base pairs, how many amino acids are in the protein?

·      DNA is called a semiconservative molecule, why?

·      DNA is called a supercoiled molecule, why?

·      Could you compare DNA to RNA using a table to compare structures and function?


Replication ·      Can you identify base pairs during replication?

·      Using a diagram of DNA making a new strand, how could you matching base pair. How would this change if the DNA is make RNA?

·      In replication which bonds are broken?

·      If DNA was replicating with radioactive Thymine, would it show up in future generations DNA? Why

·      In order, what are the four events that occur in DNA replication?

·      What are the enzymes involved with Replication?


Transcription ·      If you were given a DNA strand of code, could you predict the sequence of amino acids in the protein?

·      What are the enzymes in transcription?

·      What is produced in transcription?

·      If you were given a strand of DNA code, could you predict the effect of deleting one base in that code by showing the final amino acid sequence?

·      What are two factors that could change what protein would be formed?


Translation ·      In protein synthesis where and when are peptide bonds formed?

·      In protein synthesis where does transcription and translation occur?

·      rRNA is produced by which process?

·      What are the enzymes in translation?

·      What are the steps of protein synthesis from DNA to making a protein?

·      When does the base Thymine change to Uracil? Why?

·      Looking at the complete process of protein synthesis what is the purpose for:

a)     Ribosome moving to mRNA

b)    Adenine bonding to thymine

c)     An amino acid bonding to specific tRNA

d)    Forming a peptide bond

Gene Manipulation ·      What is recombinant DNA? Where does the DNA come from?

·      Using a diagram of a cells or bacteria cells DNA, how could recombinant DNA be used to make a specific protein


Enzymes ·      What is the sequence of events from combining substrate to enzyme and either making or breaking a chemical bond to make a new product?

·      What is the lock and key theory and how is it different from an enzyme whose active site changes? What is that process called?

What is :

·      Competitive inhibition

·      Non-competitive inhibition

·      Non-reversible inhibition

·      Coenzyme activity

Could you show the above interactions with a diagram?


Can you interpret graphs:

·      For amount of product vs progress of the reaction (time)

·      Rate of reaction vs Enzyme concentration

·      Energy level vs progress of reaction

·      Effect of denaturing an enzyme due to temperature

·      Effect of denaturing an enzyme due to ph.

·      Effect of denaturing and enzyme due to heavy metal


Enzyme lab interpretation ·      Interpreting enzyme lab results, a colour indicator is used to show the presence of a product.

·      Looking at a data table, could you predict the change in a colour due changes is substrate, acid, temperature, heavy metal, or increase of decreased concentrations of enzyme?

Interpretation of enzyme flow chart (see notes) If you were shown an interaction between two enzyme such as:


A with (enzyme 1) goes to B with (enzyme 2) goes to C


What would be two ways to increase the production of product C


What would be two ways to slow down or stop production of product C

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology Twelve Notes,DNA and Protein Synthesis and have No Comments

Anatomy Take Home

This is template number three..

Please look for revisions.

Anatomy and Physio: Take Home Exam


“Written in the Code”


Your mission to prove understanding of two processes involving DNA.


The two processes you need to explore are:


  • The process and function of replication.
  • The process and function of Protein synthesis.


You will show proficiency in understand by completing three specific challenges


Challenge one:

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the both structures and functions of   biomolecules involved with DNA replication.

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the structures and functions of biomolecules in the process of  Protein Synthesis.

You are to show all steps of this process including what initiates and stops it.

Your diagram should be a hybrid of many diagrams found within your notes, text and online.

Your diagram should include at least 36 terms found in your references.

( You can make a combined list of terms and processes prior to making the diagram)

Your reference should be a bibliography.


Challenge Two

For each process you need to write a one page (two sided) translational story to discuss the process.

A translational process can be a children’s story, a screenplay, but not a step by step text book description!

Extra mark will be added for creativity.


Challenge Three: Pragmatic Example.

You are to find three practical examples for how replication is linked to either medicine or bioengineering.

You are to find three practical examples of how is DNA and protein synthesis associated with

Gene therapy or biological research.

You provide a descriptive paragraph for each example.

One example should be from popular media.

One example should be from a crediable science resource.

One example should be an abstract from a current lab


Challenge Four: Find and answer 2 BC provincial written questions

Look up versions of BC provincial Biology exam questions  (written portion) and select two questions for each process. You should also include answer key.


The bonus round…Make a link between your two stories to show links associated with the replication of DNA and the process of protein synthesis. What is a link? How do your two stories show commonality between replication and protein synthesis



Mission One Below Expectations Meet Expectation Exceeds expectations
Mission One Clarrity in diagram

Table that Includes total minimum 36 terms.

Shows each stage of process

Has a biobliography

Colour coded for processes

Has labels to show specific process

Mission  Two 2 stories

Type written

Two sides of one paper per story.

Words are highlighted

Creativity factor added for style of story

Mission Three Should have a total of six paragraphs,  type written with bibliography.

3 levels

a) Common News/Media

b) Scholastic reference ( from a university source ).

c) specific abstract from a lab


Mission Four Total of 4 provincial written questions (two per topic) with answer key


Bonus Explain link between two stories



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Anatomy and Physiology:How does a cell work?

How does a cell work?

You mission is to make three detailed diagrams of organelles and building blocks to make”

a) Pathway from Nucleus to cell membrane to make a protein.

b) Pathway to make a complex fat (such as steroids) and or detoxifying an alcohol to make a fat.

c) Pathway into and out of a mitochondria.


Step one:

Make a labelled two dimensional drawing of organelles involved for three pathways.

Step two:

Include building block to make specific biomolecules and also show where these building block come from.

For example: Lysosome to make amino acids that are then transported to ribosomes to make protein.

Step Three

For cellular respiration you should include pathways (by name) within the mitochondria matrix. Also show construction of ATP including ATPase and concentration gradient. In one half of mitochondria show what is going into the mitochondria, on the second half, discuss what is being constructed and then released from the mitochondria.

Not that you should pay attention to all molecules including: biomolecules, water, hydrogen and possible ions.

This sheet will be used to answer specific multiple choice questions.

It should be prepared for next class.


Please look at the following to get a better understanding of working of cell



Smooth ER




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Night before exam and all through the house..

For Bio 12 Anatomy and Physiology Students..

Please get some sleep tonight!

Here is a site with good data for your cheat sheet.

Chemistry of life Water https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/water/


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Lesson 7: Anatomy and Physiology Sept 18, 2019 Lipids and Proteins

Anatomy and Physiology 12  ( L7)  Sept Lesson Wednesday 18


Intro Content Evaluations and Resource
Topic One Biology is a story

“Feed the good wolf”

“Make tea”




Topic Two Lipid structure and function Lipid notes

In class power point

Khan Academy


Bowman Biology



Topic Three Whoops with lipids, trans fats and steriods Video on trans fats


Video on steroids

Pro and Cons


Role of Cholesterol



Topic Four Intro to Proteins Khan academy / Protein Structure


Bomen Biology/ Proteins



Take home   You are what you eat. Take time to feed the good wolf and when stressed..drink a cup of tea! Now..study up on functions of protein.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 Circulatory Exam Review

Topic Questions


Heart Anatomy Using a diagram, be able to label all blood vessels, valves and chambers


·      4 valves and locations (note two names that can change).

·      4 blood vessels and location

·      4 chambers and location

·      Cartilage to limit motion of valves

·      Cardiac blood vessels

·      Papillary Muscles

·      Purkinje fibres

·      Chordae tendinae


·      What tissue or structures surrounds the heart?

·      What is the tissue lining the inside of the ventricles?




see notes

Blood vessel

Away and to the heart

Using the diagram from page 1 of your notes:

Identify changes in

·      Pressure

·      Velocity

·      Surface Area


Identify reasons for changes in velocity, pressure and cross section area


Which blood vessel has the largest or the smallest diameter?


Which blood vessel has the most or least amount of muscle


Which blood vessels show a pulse


How is a vein suited for its function?


Why are the advantages of slowing blood in capillary bed?


What are the primary blood vessels that go to:

·      The intestines

·      The kidney

·      The legs

·      The head


Which blood vessels have a high concentrations of:

·      Oxygen

·      Carbon Dioxide

·      Nutrients

·      Waste


·      During an operation, a surgeon slices a blood vessel, what clues would identify if it were a vein or artery?


·      Why would tissues of capillaries have a high number of mitochondria?


Cardiac Cycle ·      Heart rate is controlled by which part of the brain?

·      What is the difference between a pulse and the cardiac cycle?

·      What are the specific steps of the cardiac cycle?


ECG ·      What is a pass maker and the natural pacemaker in the heart

·      What is the difference between P and T waves

·      What disorders of the heart could be linked to length and height of EKG?


Lymphatic system ·      How are lymph capillary similar to veins

·      How are lacteals associated with the circulatory system?


Blood flow ·      What is the correct path of blood from the heart to the lungs, back to the heart and then to the body

·      What are the blood vessels in this paths



Blood Pressure ·      What is the relationship between

·      Systole and Diastole


·      What blood vessel would have a pressure of 35 to 16 Hg


·      Which organs can influence blood pressure besides the kidney?


·      What are two no medicinal ways that the body can lower or raise blood pressure?



What is a:

·      Stint

·      Coronary by pass

·      Stroke

·      Aneurysm

·      Heart attack

·      Hemorrhage


·      What is the relationship between a thrombus and embolus?


·      What are two symptoms that would be noticed if the valve between your right atrium and right ventricle is not working correctly


·      How are “plague” and a coronary by pass related?


Fetal Blood Flow ·      What are the four adaptions of fetal blood flow?

·      What is the function of the Foremen ovale?

·      What is the function of the Ductous arteriosus?



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Bio 12 Feb 2018 Timeline

Bio 12 Time Line



Date Lesson Topics Activity Assessment
Feb 1   Digestion Activity focusing on


Stomach hormones

Large intestines.

2 Hand outs

rabbit hole

What is ciliac disorder and is there a link to menopause?

5th Pig Dissection External Anatomy and internal viscera


Virtual pig dissection



7th Pig Dissection Internal anatomy


9 Intro to Circulatory “the pipes”

circulation flow

Basics of arteries, veins and capillary. (Blood vessels)


Cross section of vessels and flow rate and pulse


Two circuits of flow


Notes Page 1


3 specific diagrams and graphs


Pig Lab Quiz

Power point


14 Heart Heart Anatomy

Cardiac Flow

Cardiac Cycle

Heart Beat


Page 2-3


Digestion Quiz

(MC 28 questions)


16 Circulatory 2 Study guide for Heart and blood flow

Vascular pathways

Blood pressure and pulse


Digestion Exam
21 Circ 3


Lymphatic system

Fetal Blood flow

Cardiac and systemic pathology


23 Circ 4 Study guide for exam


Circulatory Quiz
27 Circ to Blood Hand out notes for Blood Circulatory Exam



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments