" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for September, 2017

Bio 12 L 6 (17-18) Cells

Bio 12 (17-18) L 6                             Date: Sept 26 2017


Last lessons Objective


1.    Nucleic acid to ATP, RNA and DNA  
Today’s Objective a)    Practice quiz identifying biomolecules

b)   How to study productively

c)    Introduction to the cell



Number One

Review of structure and function of biomolecules



Number Two

How to study productively

Studying is a balance between what you do and why you do it.

·      If you change the reason why you study, then you will also change what you do.

·      If you start study sessions with an objective to learn and take a quiz to discover what you do not know, then after a study session you can note how much you have processed by retaking the same evalutation.

·      Text books already have questions within each chapter to focus your attention on the specific information that could answer the questions within the text.

·      Information can be ranked from finding a simple fact by asking “what”.

·      As you change the question from what to how or why, you need find more evidence to answer the question.

·      Making to notes to memorize limits the depth of information you can discover.

·      Linking facts together fact with facts can be used explain both how and why,

·      The objective of each study session should be to evolve from simple whats to hows and whys.

·      Remember..the mind is like a parachute, it only works if it is open.

·      When you study, open your path of inquiry



Number Three

Introduction to the Cell

a)    The cell Theory



b)   Myths about cells (shape and types)

A cool story



c)    Importance of surface area to volume



d)   Life inside and outside of the cell





Text Reference Chapter 3

Google Inquiry to life chapter three power point and download.



You tube Reference Really cool stuff!


Cells Alive Site (videos, quizzes and more..oh my)




Cell structure



Cell structure and function



BBC The cell:the hidden kingdom



BBC secret of life




Class Notes References New set of class notes handed out


Link for Cell Bio Notes



Answer Key for review notes


Find the review sheet first…was posted in last lesson





New References to practice tests. (Thanks David!)

They are two websites that have quizzes based on the textbook we use. Both links are the same, it’s just a preference of HTML formatting because link 2 has a “nicer” format.


If you click on Link 1, it’s pretty easy to navigate at first glance.


Link 2 is a bit trickier, and you’ll need to look on the left side of the page, then click on the drop-down box to select the chapter.


Link 1) http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/maderinquiry/quiz.html


Link 2) http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0072421975/student_view0/index.html



Take Home message



To be inspired…you need to let go of those things that make you uninspired.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Quiz One Review Notes

Quiz one: Review


Topic One:


Scientific method


  • A scientific inquiry always begins with an observation.
  • In an observation you can look for both quantitative and qualitative factors.
  • Now you proposes a hypothesis to explain your observations.
  • You may infer, looking at your observations, a possible cause and effect relationship.


Points about a hypothesis


  • It must be testable
  • It must be a tentative explaination of observed phenomena
  • As a formal hypothesis, it should include the word “if” for the independent variable and “then” for the dependent variable.
  • A hypothesis can be supported by testing that hypothesis


The process of the scientific method includes:

  • Observation
  • Hypothesis
  • Experiment
  • Theory
  • Law


All experiments are subject to change and can have experimental error.


In a controlled experiment, there is no experimental variable.


Within the scientific community experiments are given to scientific journals for peer review.


We will need to be aware of four theories

  • Evolutionary theory
  • Gene theory
  • Abiogenesis
  • Cell Theory



The study of how organisms are classified is called taxonomy.

  • A binomial name includes both the genus and the species.
  • A binomial name begins with the genus and then the species, much like your last name then your first.
  • In order from many organisms to specific species is :
  • Kingdom: Example Animal Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Class
  • Order
  • Genus
  • Species: note that species are defined by the fact that they reproduce with each other.
  • Levels of organization
  • Cells can be classified as:
  • Prokaryote: an organism that has no nucleus, no organelles, no cytoplasmic streaming .


If we start off with a cell being the lowest level of organization, then levels of complexity and interaction are:

Cell to tissue

Tissue to organ

Organ to system


Now we are looking at specific species.


A number of individual species is a population

A number of population with other populations is a community.

If we consider both living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic) factors we are now considering an ecosystem.

Several ecosystems together is referred to as a biome.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 12 L 6 (2017-18) Sept 20

Bio 12 L6 (2017-18)                           Date: Sept 19th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information

1.   Proteins and bonds

2.   Protein functions and denaturing

3.   Introduction to nucleic acids





Today’s Objective 1.   Big Picture

2.   PPT for Chapter Two

3.   The next step “Cells” Chapter 3


Number One

Nutrition and Metabolism



Pleae note the role of these molecules in metabolism.




Nucleic Acids

Note that all four biomolecules have a link to energy.

Note that glucose makes 38 ATP molecules





Number Two

Three versions of chapter 2 powerpoint, you will need to download.




Practice quiz for Chapter Two








Number Three

Please download

Raycroft notes and worksheets









Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference Chemistry of life



Chemical Bonds



Nutrition and Metabolism



Bioenergetics by Bozeman




Class Notes References

and home work

Study for multiple choice quiz on Friday.




Take Home message



Life…requires free energy yet cell phones and Netflix do not apply. Evaluation Next Class


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L4 (2017-18)

Bio 12 L4 (2017-18)                   Date: Sept 14th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information

1.   Sugars

2.   Fats

3.   Other funchtion of CHO’s




Today’s Objective 1.   Amino Acids

2.   Peptide Bond

3.   3 levels of proteins



Number One

An amino acid is recognized by both an amine and an acid group.





Notice that there are four specific groups

While there are many variations of “R” groups, there are a limited number of essential amino acids. These are amino acids that the body does not make.


Some videos




Foods high is essential amino acids






Number Two

The peptide bond and the making of protein



Making and breaking the peptide bond



Number Three

Four levels of protein shapes are linked to their function.






Which groups are linked to each level?

What or how are proteins denatured?

How does structure change as the moves up a level?

What are some examples of cell structures linked to level of structure?









Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference  

chemistry for biologists



Other reasons to study biology in high school



Class Notes References

and home work

In class work sheet




Take Home message



John the motor protein.



Evaluation Next Class


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 L 4 (2017-18)

Bio 11 L 4 (17-18)                                     Date Sept 19 201



Last lessons Objectives



1.    Work Package on Scientific method

2.    Big 3 ideas (Taxonomy, Evolution and Activities of life)


Today’s Objectives 1.    New species in class

2.    Chapter 7 Idea of Taxonomy

3.    This weeks mission: Taxonomy and Scientific method



Number One

How and why do we classify things

Lets visit some sites to answer this question










What terms are being used?

What techniques are being discussed?

What things in your life could you classify and why?

Does the method of classification include biochemistry?

Does the method of classification include activities of life?


In class classification challenge:

Using both text keys and activity hand out, classify the plants in room411





Number Two

Growing a Plant

You seed should be growing.

Please transfer the seed to a pot and start collecting data.

At this point in time, you need to keep your watering to just twice a week. Keep a record of this.

Look at new features of your plant and start to make quantitative and qualitative observations.

Begin to decide how to experiment with your plant (see ideas below)




Number Three

·      Working on your worksheet 19-25 plus 44

·      We will be creating an activity next class to decide what information is good material for a quiz.

·      See quizzes below


Text book Ref


Chapter 1 and chapter 7  
Online Plant project ideas



Practice quizzes on introductory ideas






Practice Multiple Choice



Homework List In Green duotang with a title page

Work so far

a)   History of biology time line

b)   Amino acid case study

c)   Growing a seed

d)   Worksheets (19-25)

e)   Worksheet 44

f)     Classifying 411 plants


Take home Three cool cartoons about life



From Calvin and Hobbes



“Watcha doin’?”
“Looking for frogs.”
“How come?”
“I must follow the inscrutable exhortations of my soul.”
― Bill Watterson


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Lesson 4                                      Date Sept 15th 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.    Levels of organizations

2.    Activities of life

3.    Amino Acid Case Study


Today’s Objectives 1.    Hypothesis and day to day use

2.    Dealing with data

3.    Taxonomy, DNA and Activities of life



Number One

Topic : Hypothesis and variables

Sheet Number 19 and 20

What makes a hypothesis?

Note not just a guess but a testable prediction


A formal hypothesis must include “If” and “then”

A hypothesis should be a testable idea.

“If” is the independent variable

“then” is the dependent variable

When graphing data that evolves from this hypothesis, the independent variable is the Y axis and the dependent variable .


For example :

If plant x is given nutrient then it will grow.

Data for this experiment would be a measurement of height (on the y axis) and the time you made the measurement would be on the x axis. Now you would a graph that could show change of length of stem, leaf or even width of stem and link that to time.


Youtube on hypothesis







what is a controlled experiment






Number Two

Devising experiments


Dealing with Data Sheet 22,

Continuing the challenge to make a seed “germinate”

Converting data to graphs.

Y axis is the independent variable

X axis is a constant such as time.


Interpreting graphs via shape or slope.


A conclusion in a lab should include

1)    Experimental Error

2)    How did you hypothesis compare to the results

3)    A new variable to test



Experimental design




Interpreting data



cricket lab




Number Three

Reporting results and drawing conclusions


What is the difference between raw data and interpreting data?


Compare your hypothesis to results.

Compare interpreting data and link to current ideas

Discuss experimental error

What would you do for the next experiment





Text book Reference


Chapter One




Online and You tube Reference  

Measuring duck weed



History of Biology Video Game



History of Bio








Homework So far

1)    Biology History

2)    Case study amino acids

3)    Work sheets in order


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L2 (2017-18)

Bio 12 L2                             Date: Sept 12th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information


1.   Types of bonds

2.   Inorganic and water

3.   Water and solutions





Today’s Objective 1.   Carbohydrates and energy

2.   Fats and multiple roles

3.   Link to hydrolysis and synthesis



Number One

Monomer, is a single unit and carbon molecules


Sugar ratio: C6H12O6

Linear verses ring interpretation





Diversity of mono verses polysaccrides



Role of glucose in metabolism



Sugar and hydroxyl groups



The sugar debate



Gunner Zone


What is the affect of switching hydroxyl groups in sugars



Cellular Energy (Gunner information)








Number Two

Long term energy: Fats and lipids



Fatty acid structure: saturated and unsaturated

Animal and plant fats







Diversity of Lipid structures and functions








Number Three

Water and sugar or fats

Polar verses non polar

Tonicity and saturation



Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference Bozeman



chemistry for biologists



Other reasons to study biology in high school



Class Notes References In class work sheet



Take Home message



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 L3 (2016-17)

Bio11 L 3                                           Date Sept 13th 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.    History and scientific methods

2.    Activities of life

3.    Six Big ideas of Biology

4.    Levels of organization




Today’s Objectives The big three

·      Classification

·      Evolution

·      Activities of life

Levels of organization

Experimental design

Case study



Number One

How are levels of organization linked to classification?

From the web



activities of life



From our first look at the history of biology, you will note that living things were often classified by their observable structures, like feather or leaves. Prior to more information on atoms and biomolecules, classifying living things was easier.


Yes what happens when you focus on a specific level of organization? Now you have more properties to compare.


As a hypothesis ..if you see similar traits then that organism may be related to the other..and this is the challenge of taxonomy.


In chapter 7 and in you timeline, notice how biology changes from no classification to the ideas of Linneaus.

What happens when we introducte metabolism?

Realize that all activities of life are linked to this one specific activity of life.

Also realize that proteins help regulate all living things to maintain some sense of “balance” or homeostasis.

So how are living things related not only by their shape but also their bio chemistry



Number Two


Seed experiment.

If you give a seed water, then it will grow


Yet, we have noticed that other life grows too. To compare results, we need to make sure that all procedures are the same.


Type of seeds need to be greater than 20 to insure more data.

We need to make sure that each plant is the same species. Why?

What is the independent variable in this experiment.

How are you going to graph the data?


Now ..phase two..what if we gave a growing seed a chemical to help it grow, how could we design an experiment?




Number Three

Case Study from text (page 49)

Lets suppose that living things can be related to their genetic material and proteins.


Biological Molecules ( chapter one)



In all living things are structures call proteins.

Proteins are made of amino acids.

Amino acids can be grouped in a specific order.

You can estimate how similar proteins are by:

Calculating the percentage of each amino acid

Calculating the similarity in order of amino acids.


This is the foundation of case study

You home work is to read and begin the case study.

Important points:

The similarities of amino acids and proteins is a measurement of “degree of relativeness”.

Just because you have a similar protein as a moth does no mean you are directly related to that moth.


Protein makes structures. The study of structures in living things can be linked to “morphology”. For example if we look at the shape of different types of beaks in birds, we may get a clue as to designing a family tree.


Next class:

Taxonomy and Microscopes.

Basic biomolecules



Text book Reference


Chapter One


Online and You tube Reference  

The scientific method




History of Biology Video Game



History of Bio








Take Home Message An activity of life can be observed

An idea or concept can be used to explain what has been observed.

A level of organization is a relative point of view

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 L2 (2017-18)

Bio11 (2017-18) L 2                                               Date Sept 11th 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.    Intro to bio

2.    Growing a seed


Today’s Objectives 1.    History and Scientific method

2.    Levels of organization

3.    Big ideas and activities of life




Number One

History of biology and Scientific Method


On a legal size piece of paper, make a time line of history of biology.


Table with three rows

Row one the date for the events

Row two the event or person linked to event

Row three: why do you think it was a big event.

You are to select 25 events.


What data have we gathered from bean experiment?

How can we eliminate broad amount of data?



Some web references





Perhaps a game might work







Number Two

How are living things organized by “levels of organization”?


How do we classify living things by their size?



How would size affect what we may or may not be observing?



How does level of organization help with how we try to solve a biological problem?


How could level of organization be linked to taxonomy?


What is the unique role of something called “a species”?



Number Three

·      What are the six big ideas in biology

·      What is a concept and how is it linked to how we explore living things?

·      What is “critical thinking”?


How do you use a concept to organize your observations?





Another point of view



Examples of linking observations with concepts



Characteristics of living things



Seven characteristics of life



Eschool notes



Text book Reference


Chapter One and Chapter Seve




Online and You tube Reference  

History of Biology Video Game



History of Bio



Check blog for biology 11 notes


Take Home Message An activity of life can be observed

An idea or concept can be used to explain what has been observed.

A level of organization is a relative point of view

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L2 (2017-18)

Bio 12 L2 (2017-18)                            Date: Sept 9th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information


1.   Getting squared away

2.   Intro the chemistry meets biology





Today’s Objective 1.   Chemical Bonds (4 types)

2.   Properties of water

3.   Inorganic to organic molecules



Number One

From our previous class we recall that when two two different elements combine together, they form a molecule


It requires energy to make a chemical bond.






Number Two

Water’s properties can be linked both to

a)   Being a polar molecule

b)   Sharing hydrogen bonds

Inorganic and organic Chemistry

·      CHNOPS

·      OilRig


Introduction to water


How many properties of water are there?


Properties of water





Hand out

Number Three

A)   Using water to make a solution

·      Water and Acids and Bases and Inorganic Chemistry

·      Carbon based molecules and water.

·      Chains and rings of carbon


B)   Using water to make or break a biomolecule Hydrolysis and Synthesis


Riddles to why people get confused.



Hydrolysis verses Atp hydrolysis






Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life

Classification of molecules by function.


You tube Reference Bozeman



chemistry for biologists



Other reasons to study biology in high school



Class Notes References In class work sheet


Biology 12 concept map



Take Home message



It take energy to make and break things. Water has two types of bonds which create situations where a molecule can be broken (lysis) or separated (make into a solvent). Energy and matter..an amazing thing.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments