" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for June, 2017

Bio 11 Animal Exam Review sheet

Bio 11 Study Guide for Chordata

Some links to help you.


























How birds fly



Avian respirations






mammal evolution



Chordates (in general)

  1. How are chordates classified?
  2. What are the 4 characteristics of all chordates?
  3. Which two groups of chordates do not appear to show all the characteristics of a chordate?
  4. The adult seasquirt (Urochordata) has only one characteristic of chordates. What is it and why is a seasquirt still considered a chordate?
  5. Do all chordates have backbones?
  6. Which invertebrate group is linked to all chordates?
  7. Which chordate group is thought to be the earliest
  8. Of all the chordates, which has the most diversity?
  9. Which chordate group has the largest range of habitats?


  1. Where would you assume you would find the first chordate?
  2. What is the common name for urochordates?
  3. What is a “tunicate”?
  4. Why is a “sea squirt” called a sea squirt?
  5. If filter feeding was the first type of feeding for invertebrates, what do you suppose would be the first chordate feeding mechanism be?


  1. Why is a British Medical journal called and how is it linked to cephalocordates?
  2. What is the latin translation for cephalochordate?
  3. What characteristic do cephalocordates have that are common to all chordates?
  4. Do cephalocordates have backbones?
  5. Does the larvae of a cephalochordate the same as the adult?
  6. How does a lancet feed it’s self?


  1. What structure is missing in this group of fish?
  2. What is the distinction between a lamphrey
  3. Molusca have a radula, what do agnatha have and why?
  4. Are agnatha found in both marine and fresh water environments?
  5. What is the difference between a lamprey and a hagfish?
  6. Do these fish have hair?
  7. Which agnatha produces large volumes of slime? Why?




  1. What sort of bones to sharks have?
  2. What sense is the strongest in chondrichthyes?
  3. What is the difference between in vivo and in vitro?
  4. What is viviparous and omnivorous?
  5. What type of scales do sharks have?
  6. How are sharks scales linked to how knights held onto swords?
  7. Why are shark fins a popular food source in some cultures?


  1. How do fresh and marine fish differ in regards to how they excrete nitrogen waste?
  2. How many chambers does a fish heart have?
  3. What sort of scales do bony fish have?
  4. What are the challenges of living in either fresh or marine environments?
  5. Do fish sleep?
  6. What group of fish has the most diversity in species?



  1. How do amphibians breath?
  2. How many chambers do amphibians have in their hearts?
  3. How is this linked to how amphibians breath?
  4. What is the advantage of having metamorphosis in frogs?
  5. Why are amphibian good ecological indicators?
  6. Can amphibians hibernate? Why?



  1. What are the traits of snakes, lizards and turtles that make them a reptile and not an amphibian?
  2. What is an amniotic egg and what are the parts of an amniontic egg?
  3. How are yolk sac, allantois, chorion and amnion linked to reptilian reproduction?
  4. How do reptiles survive being an “ectotherm”?
  5. How does laying on a hot rock assist with reptile digestion?
  6. What are three adaptions of reptiles to move onto land?
  7. Can a reptile be a hermaphrodite or can it change it’s sex?


  1. What is a characteristic that is shared both with reptiles and birds?
  2. Why do birds have two sets of lungs?
  3. What is a feature of avian anatomy that only birds have?
  4. Are birds the only animals that have beaks?
  5. How many types of feathers do bird have? Why?
  6. What is the advantage of birds being “warm blooded”?
  7. What is the distinction between a solid and hollow boned bird?
  8. Was the first bird solid or hollowed boned?
  9. What are the structures of a “breathing egg” and what do they do?
  10. Why do birds such as a chicken have a fused pelvis and spine?
  11. Do birds have large bladders?




  1. What are the characteristics of a mammal?
  2. How could a whale be related to a human?
  3. What type of animal did early mammals evolve from?
  4. How are the three “groups” of mammals classified?
  5. Can a mammal lay eggs and sharp webbed claws?
  6. What are the three characteristics of Class Mammalia?
  7. What three strategies do mammals have for reproduction?
  8. The mammalian umbilical cord has evolved from which two parts of a reptilian egg?
  9. Are marsupials only found in Australia?
  10. What is a placenta and how is it linked to how long a female has their young inside of them?
  11. Why would the excretory system of an aquatic mammal be different than a mammal found in the desert?


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Biology 11 Mission Vertebrate Assignment

Mission Vertebrate:


Greetings Biology eleven students


Your mission is to select a specific species of chordate and create an entertaining and factual power point much like the one’s your instructor has shown this year. While this is a challenging endeavor, it will help you to both review and show academic wisdom about the phylum Chordate.


Step One:

You are to work on this mission either by your self or one other person. No groups of three!

Step Two:

Select one specific chordate and do not do an animal that has already been chosen. Remember that we do have three chordates in the room that would appreciate some attention!

Step Three:

Gathering both image and factual content, you will need to discuss 10 key topics about your organism.

  • Background information:
  1. How does your animal fit into taxonomy of chordate
  2. Show example of similar and different animals linked to your animal
  3. Show a cladogram of where your animal fits into all chordates.
  • Discuss body plan of your organism.
  1. Compare unique features of your organism to similar species.
  2. Discuss unique physical adaptions linked to body plan. (For example: limbs, fins, fur, scales)
  • Feeding
  1. What features does your organism have linked to eating?
  2. Where on the food chain is your organism?
  3. Does your organism eat all the time?
  4. Can you include video clips of your organism eating?
  • Respiration
  1. Discuss both how your organism gets oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
  2. What structures are linked to your organism respiration?
  3. Can you show a video or image?
  4. What sort of circulatory system does your organism have?
  5. How is your organism’s circulatory and respiratory systems linked to the habit that your organism lives in?
  • Excretion
  1. What structures are linked to your organism’s removal of metabolic waste?
  2. What type of nitrogen product does your organism make and why?
  3. How does your organism keep water balance?
  4. How is the habitat your organism lives in linked to excretion?
  • Response
  1. How developed is your organism’s responses to stimuli?
  2. Which is the strongest and weakest sense?
  3. Can you provide a video clip of sample behaviours?
  4. Can you provide a comparison of your organism’s brain and senses to other linked and not linked chordate?
  • Movement
  1. How does your organism move?
  2. What structures are linked to your organism’s movement?
  3. Video clip of movement?
  4. What adaption has occurred to facilitate your organism’s movement?
  • Reproduction
  1. How does your organism reproduce?
  2. Do you have a life cycle of your organism?
  3. What structures are linked to your organism regarding (eggs, placenta)
  4. Is your organism’s young born inside or out side of the female?
  5. What is the duration for embryo development?
  6. What unique reproductive behaviours are linked to your organism?
  7. Does you organism have unique reproductive structures?
  • Populations and group behavior
  1. Does your organism live alone or with a group?
  2. What is the name of a group of your organisms called?
  3. Does your organism have unique group behaviours such as migration or “pack” behavior?
  • Ecology and link to Humans
  1. Discuss how your organism “fits” into ecological levels of interactions
  2. Discuss the positive and negative interactions between your organism and other organisms (both animal and plant)
  3. How is your organism linked to human populations?
  4. Is your organism an endangered species and if so, how or what could be done to limit your organism extinction?
  5. Why did you pick your organism
  • That is so cool category
  1. Has your organism been in popular social media?
  2. Has your organism been a movie or TV character?
  3. What are some amazing “facts” that have not been mentioned?


  1. Your “slides” should show a uniform pattern regarding both colour and font size (need to be able to read from the back of the room.
  2. You should include: pictures, diagrams, life cycle, and video content.
  3. For your power point, you should be prepared to possibly present your information.


  1. You will need to include both an introductory title page with your organism’s binomial and generic name. You will also need to include the date and your name (s)
  2. The final slide (s) should include a detailed bibliography of all your data used in your power point.
  3. You are to hand in a simple written “reflective response” which should include: some of the challenges of the assignment, what you found interesting, what you “learned” that was related to the years content and validation for what mark you feel you deserve.


This assignment is due on the last official class of Bio 11.

No late assignments will be marked. No excuses!


May you succeed and enjoy your mission.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Essay Assignment

The Bio 11 Essay Assignment:


Your mission is to take a quote about life and then link that quote to either six activities of life or six big ideas. This is a means to bridge science with day-to-day references about life.


Sample Paths to follow: “The academic path”


  • Select a quote

“ Life is not an exact science, it is an art”

  • Decide if you want to support the quote or challenge it.
  • Outline your essay


Challenge or support quote:



Support quote:


  1. Quote was written in late 1800’s when biology was natural history.
  2. Many biological theories and or facts are found by luck.
  3. Science begins with observation, so does art
  4. Both art and science are means of interpreting what is in front of your eyes.
  5. “Art provides what nature cannot”




Challenge Quote:


  1. Biology is becoming more “scientific” with better mean of interpreting biochemistry, anatomy and remote sensing.
  2. Life has a pattern and theories such as evolution.
  3. Life has activities of life.



Make a brief Outline Essay


  • Introductory paragraph:
    1. Quote
    2. If life is an art verses an exact science then how do activities of life show this?
    3. Pair activities: Locomotion and Metabolism, Reproduction and Growth, Response and repair.
    4. Which path of argument to follow


  • Paragraph 2: Metabolism and locomotion
    1. Every living thing needs energy to move either large structures like limbs or even fluids within tissues.
    2. How much movement and energy that is needed is not an exact amount.
    3. A dancer may need more energy that another form of artist. Each day offers a different challenge so sometimes energy is stored or an organism may stay in one place.
    4. Can measure both activity and caloric intake and yet it is not always exact.


  • Reproduction and Repair
  1. Reproduction can involve both sharing of genetic information and dividing   your own information.
  2. An artist may share ideas or work on their own. Growth can happen quickly or over a long time.
  3. Exact growth can be measured and yet many variables can affect it.
  4. Reproduction is not always predictable and may have behaviors such as spiders that seem both odd and artistic


  • Response to stimuli and repair.
  1. Some time one gets lost in their thoughts and ideas chasing an artistic idea and forgets to look up.
  2. Slow response to stimuli to response time and now you body needs to repair scraped skin.
  3. More advanced cephalization allows for better way to adapt to stimuli which may mean less repair


  • Conclusion:
  1. Issue with exact is difficult because life is always changing
  2. Artist may be able to adapt and perform in the moment much like simple living things.
  3. In all activities of life, there is an unknown outside the realm of exact numbers and formula.
  4. “Art provides what nature cannot”



Plan B: Fun path to follow “ Confusion is the sign of growth”


Premise: Biology big ideas and life as a student



In high school, each student attempts to adapt and learn new things each day. Like science, we observe and attempt to make sense of things that do not seem to make sense. Perhaps by looking at big ideas of biology, one can see that “wisdom of insecurity” may be a way to calm confused thoughts.


  • Two ideas: Change and continuity
  1. In biology change with time is evolution and continuity is about exchanging genetic material.
  2. In high school, students evolve from dazed grade eights to focused grade 12’s.
  3. There is always “drama”. Is the “drama” due to adaption or wrong genetic pairings? Is the confusion due to misinterpreting the data?
  • Two ideas: Diversity and interactions
  1. In biology diversity and unity is how living things are different and similar due to genetics, species formation and reproduction.
  2. In high school there are “clichés” which some time interact in both positive and negative fashions.
  3. In high school some students are attempt to adapt and yet they may not know how to interact.
  4. Sometime failure to interact or accept one’s own diversity may lead to confusion and yet you can change with time and grow from the experience.
  • Homeostasis and structure and function
  1. In high school you attempt to seek balance and yet practical experience may not be there.
  2. In biology, living things maintain “balance” by increased cephalization or new structures to adapt to situations and yet sometimes, dogs bark simply because they do not know what to do.
  3. The only way to learn about balance is to experience unbalance.



  1. Both in biology and in high school, students are told a lot of information. Sometimes it makes sense and other times, you really have to wonder where algebra and life connect. Confusion is an attempt to make sense of the nonsensical. A student learns to adapt and overcome life situation and that is growth. Likewise, every living thing is responding to stimuli and hopefully the response works. If it does not work, then there is always another chance.
  2. Use six big ideas to validate how each day in high school is an attempt to make sense of the nonsensical and so there is growth (an activity of life)



Take home message:


  • Some times you have to translate information from one venue to another. It is important to be able to show literacy by being able to link your ideas with others.
  • I am not an English teacher, and yet I write stuff every day. I am not concerned about you linguistic skills sets or your panache to baffle me with large volumes of bovine feces. Keep run on sentences to a minimum. Use the occasional comma and period and check your spelling.
  • This challenge is to be evaluated on your ability to reflect upon either your own experience or with things that you have learned this year. Try to seek positive paths and enjoy the experience. If you show that you have taken the time to think and your writing shows that you have given 100% then your mark with reflect that.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 (2016-17) Moluska and Arthropoda

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson Molusa and Arthropoda      June 7 2017



Last lessons


1)   Worm test





Today’s Objectives 1)   Motivation 6-6-44

2)   Observation and study guide

3)   Feed the good wolf. Be thankful for the sheep dog.



Number One

Dear Disney Class

It has been said that it is impossible to motivate you yet I have faith in you.

Besides, impossible is just…I’m possible.

Remember, argue your limitations and they will become yours.

In case you are wondering..I honestly do care about you, all of you.


In stressful situations (6-6-44)


“Lastly, ”Hang tough!” Never, ever give up regardless of the adversity. If you are a leader, a fellow who other fellows look to, you have to keep going.”


“True satisfaction comes from getting the job done…Ribbons, medals, and accolades, then, are poor substitutes to the ability to look yourself in the mirror every night and know that you did your best.”
― Dick WintersBeyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters



How to get motivated





Motivational quotes



Study tricks for biology




Number Two


Exploring Molusca, Arthropoda and Echinoderms

(See study guide notes)


Number Three

“A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open”


Outline for Quote about life Essay.


Find a quote about life, that is not posted on the front of the room.


·      Write an informative and yet fun comparison of the quote to the six activities of life or the big ideas.

·      Try to link how we think about life as in the quote and how that is shown with activities of life or big ideas.

·      I will not be grading on grammar nor linguistic skills.

·      Paragraph one: Intro

·      Paragraph two to four: compare your quote to activity of life or big idea.

·      Paragraph six: Conclusion


Your quote should be attached to a coloured piece of paper just like the others in the class room.


As Nike says..”Just do it”


Text book Ref


Chapter on Molusca and Arthropods  
Online What makes me happy.



What about talent?



Grad speech and marks



Wisdom by Steve Jobs




Take Home Message Sheepdogs



Feed the good wolf



“ I have faith in you because I have been in your shoes. I have walked the path that few follow. So I bark from behind and then attempt to lead from the front. The choice to move is up to you.”


Stay strong, keep going




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Molusca and Arthropoda Study guide

Molusca and Arthropoda Study Guide:



Activity of life Molusca Arthropoda
Traits ·      What are five traits for molusca and which is found in all molusca

·      What is a trait that both molusca and arthropods have yet round worms do not have?

·      What are 8 traits shared by all arthropoda?


·      What is a shared structure or structures that arthropoda and molusca share?


Respiration ·      What are the breathing structures in molusca? ·      What are three organs and strategies for arthropods
Regulation ·      Which molusca has the most cephalization?

·      What are three ways that a molusca can adapt and protect themselves?


·      What are three types of insect learning?
Reproduction ·      Are molusca hermaphrodite or single sex?

·      Why would a left twisting snail find it hard to reproduce?

·      What structures to squids have for reproduction?



Why are larvae found in different habitat than adults?


Why do arthropods have such unique mating rituals?

Excretion ·      Why does nitrogen waste change from ammonia or uric acid to urea in arthropods and molusca ·      Where does excretory waste go in a grasshopper
Nutrition ·      What are the three ways that molusca can get food?

·      What is a unique rasping structure in gastropods?

·      How could a sea snail suck the visceral mass out of a clam?

·      What structures do squids have to digest food?

What do grasshoppers eat that makes their blood green and sweat?


Why do insects need to eat so much energy?


Growth ·      How is a shell made and from what tissue?

·      What is a pearl?

·      How are molusca valueable to humans (3 ways)?

·      How could squids get to be so big?

·      What is “molting” and why is it dangerous?

·      What are the three types of metamorphosis and what are creatures called for complete metamorphosis?

·      What are 2 disadvantages for molting?

Transport ·      Do molusca have open or closed circulatory systems? ·      What are 4 reasons that the grasshoppers circulatory system is unique?
Synthesis ·      What is “super glue” and which molusca is it found in? Which sex makes a spider’s web?


Feature Creature Squid


Insects and grasshopper
  Can you label a diagram of a squid? (exterior and interior)


Can you label a diagram of a grasshopper? (internal and exterior)


Vocab Gladius  
  Book lung  
Check which phylum features are found. Visceral mass  
Think about structure and function. Compound eye  
  ·      Simple eye  
  ·      Pinchers  
  ·      Malpigian tubules  
  ·      Ovipositor  
  ·      Thorax  
  ·      Metathorax  
  ·      Coxa  
  ·      Spiracles  
  ·      Air sacs  
  ·      Gills  
  ·      Mantle  
  ·      Shell  
  ·      Antennae  
  ·      Jointed appendages  
  ·      Pupa  
  ·      Nymph  
  ·      Visceral mass
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Arthropoda,Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Mollusca and have No Comments

Bio 11 Worm Test Check

So here are some questions to test how good your study card is..

Last minute guide for worms


  • What do hydras have in common with flatworms?
  • What is a structure that all worms share for eating?
  • Which worm has closed blood vessels and why is this important?
  • Which worms have a digestive system that goes one way from mouth to anus?
  • Which worms do not have a one way digestive system?
  • What is a fluid filled mesoderm lined body cavity called?
  • How are worms ranked from simple to most complex?
  • How are annelida worms different from other types of worms.
  • What is the big deal about body segmentation?
  • How do worms “breath”?
  • How do earth worms grind up their food and where?
  • It is a “dorsal saddle like swelling”, what is it called and where is it found?
  • What are examples of nematode worms, using common names.
  • What is a concentration of nervous tissue called?
  • Which worm has a “scolex” and what is it used for?
  • It is found only in nematode worms and it is not found in flat worms nor annelida worms. What is it? Clue..It is some times referred to as an evolutionary development.
  • What is the most developed organ system in a tape worm?
  • Why does a tapeworm never have to worry about digesting food?
  • With proper sewage system, which worms can be controlled?
  • What is the order of organs in an earthworms digestive system? Why is this unique?
  • How are segments in an earthworm segmented separated?
  • What is the name and function of a reproductive structure in tapeworms?
  • What is the function of cuticle?
  • What is a coelom full of?
  • What is the use for a hydrosketon?
  • What is cephalization?
  • What are the structures and function of a closed circulatory system and which worm has one?
  • How are the three types of worms ( flat, round and segmented) different when it comes to digesting food? Which would be the most advanced and why?
  • If an organism forms a brain or has cephalization, how could this be linked to mobility?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Worms and have No Comments