" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for February, 2016

Pre test discussion

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 23rd

Last lessons Objectives


Pretest Evaluation

3 Class Average 64%




Today’s Objective

Final Prep for Exam



Class Average



Number One

There was a total of only 8 Questions where folks had problems! I included three difficult questions and more harder average questions and the class average went up! So we are going in the right direction.


Lets review the eight questions


Error One..Please read the book and my notes


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


Error Two

When we label a substance, element or compound you need to consider what state of matter it is in (Solid, Liquid and Gas). Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen can be all three states of matter depending upon the temperature. The question asked how many products should be labeled as a gas. One product, water vapour, is a gas! The word vapour is a molecule in a gas state. While vaporub goes on as a solid..it put vapour smell into the air.


Error Three

Organic chem question. Which element (nonmetal) will form a covalent compound with the most Hydrogen. Sodium is not a non metal..so that is wrong. Oxygen only needs two electrons and Nitrogen only needs three electron, yet Carbon needs four electrons to fill it’s outer orbital and so it will need four hydrogen.


Error Four

Organic Chem Question: When added to water, which will lower ph.

Here is a clue, when you blow bubbles into water you carbonate the water. That carbonate react with water to form carbonic acid. So which compound is a covalent compound with oxgen? Sodium Oxide..nope.

Sodium Hydroxide? Nope. Magnesium oxide? Nope. Nitrogen Oxide..

Bing! Correct. Water is a universal solvent yet it can form acids with covalent oxides.




Error Five

If you combine two aqueous solution together and you get a reaction, it usually is in the form of precipitation. Precipitate means a solid. The big clue is including the state of matter in the reaction. Two aqueous solutions..make a solid…now..is it a double or single replacement reaction?


Error 6

Hmm..this is a covalent question. Two nonmetals combine, so how do we name the molecule? Remember that if the first nonmetal is a single atom…say..Carbon and the second is Oxygen..we have carbon dioxide not monocarbon dioxide. The vocab word is “prefixes”.


Error 7

Another covalent compound question. Two nonmetals combine to form a compound..no it is not the beginning of a bad joke. Two nonmetals will form a covalent compound! They always share electrons. It is just so..two nonmetal..covalent..share!


Error 8

Back to chapter four! The element symbol..say…”C” in a Lewis model represents the nucleus and the inner shell electrons! Why do we use a Lewis model? To show bonding in the outer orbital! Why do we use Bohr? To show atom structure? Why bother? Just because you wear Nikes doesn’t mean you can play basketball..what is inside is a lot different that what is on the outside.






Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!






Number Two

So how did you do? Pretty much the same mark for most folks..

Get some sleep..think positive or proton thoughts and drink no caffeine after seven!



Number Three






Take Home Message

In practices we show more effort and play harder so that in the actual game, we excel. Walk the walk!



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 19th


Last lessons Objectives


Chapter Five Test Evaluations


Today’s Objective Chapter 6 Test

7.1 Review Sheets




Class Average



Number One

Reading the question issues


In the T and F section there were four easy questions. It was easy if you knew the difference between an element and a compound! It was easy if you had highlighted your work book and answered the reading question. Sadly, 85% found these difficult questions a bit of a challenge. Which does make me wonder how questions labeled as easy can be so hard? Hmm..surface area and reactions..increase the effort and less difficult.


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


All decomposition reactions do not convert a single compound into elements. Like a synthesis reaction, there is not just compound to element nor elements to compounds.


Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!


Remember my advice…highlight the workbook, and answer the reading questions.


Kindling is small pieces of wood. To light a fire, you need to start with small pieces of wood and then slowly add more wood. Remember in the vinegar lab when you ground up the chalk into small pieces and then slowly added vinegar you had a better reaction.


Now..when you read your text and book..bite of small portions of text and then slowly record notes and add questions.


Sadly, four easy reading questions was the reason that the class averaged dropped to 60 percent.


Face it..you need to learn to read efficiently. Like a good meal..small bites and chew..




Number Two

Do cell phones cause Cancer..or better still do phones cause students to read less? Over the week end, take the time to actually read the book, not just the workbook. As you read start to work on Cornell Notes


You tube


Practical plan for Cornell Notes


Wiki how



Make thorough notes for chapter 4-6

Do not just memorize concepts and vocab.

Read…R..E..A…D…the book and imagine how to explain the information to Sparky


Number Three






Take Home Message “Something of value is never made in haste nor understood without effort.”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Bio 11 Aquarium Field Trip

Biology 11 Lesson Outline           Date Feb 22 th



Last lessons Objective



Protist and..Challenge

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Vancouver Aquarium Field Trip

2.   List of those who are missing forms

3.   Next class is Pesky Protist Project

4.   Online feedback about previous work



Number One


How to get to the aquarium



Where to meet at aquarium



When to meet?

9:00 am Attendance will be taken at entry gate or under canopies.



Number Two

The following students will be marked absent and PG Staff will be informed if you do not check in at aquarium. Since there is a group rate, you will still need to pay 25 dollar fee.


Block 2-1

Thomas H, Shona H, Daniela NC, Nathanial N, Amore S, Steven Shi, Rachel W


Block 2-2

Ian C, Yuxi D, Erica L, Lucy L, Sandra L, Drew N, Tory T




Number Three

Please take the time to test computer and have work on a stick. Be organized and efficient.
Text book Reference


Chapters on Plants, Animals and Fungi
Online and You tube Reference  




Take Home Message This is a great opportunity to explore a form of education that some can only dream about.


For those who decide to miss class, you will be responsible for funds and a thorough explianation of your choice to skip field trip.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 17th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 17th


Last lessons Chapter 4 Test ( Three block average 69%)

7.1 in Workbook



Today’s Objective 1 Chapter 5 Test

2. Power point for chapter 7



Number One

Test Feedback

Review section on organic compounds.

Remember graph for acids and base.

Salt, NaCl is not an acid or an organic compound.

Carbon and Hydrogen make organic compounds.

Class average 65%



Number Two


Power Point on Chapter 7





Number Three

Do cell phones cause cancer?( Next weeks media question)


Find three references about cell phone radiation and cancer


Start here:



What is the evidence to prove phones give off enough radiation to cause cancer?


Can you find..

Three you tube references

One popular media reference

One scientific online reference


Find out from your reading

Clinical proof

What type of radiation is involved

What is the affect or action of waves on human cells?



Work book Reference 7.1 and 7.2


You tube Reference Bozeman Radioactive decay




Radioactive decay




Other stuff!    
Next Class Chapter Nine Test next class  
Take Home Message Consider an atom like a boat..if there is too much mass..it sinks. If there are 20 people on the boat and 2 leave the boat, it is like losing alpha decay. The wave made by the boat is gamma radiation. So what is beta decay?  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Biology 11 Lesson for Feb 16th

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date Feb 16 th



Last lessons Objective



Pesky Protist Project (Due next Wednesday)

Today’s Objectives  

1.   How to compare and contrast

2.   Split in the road

3.   Protist vs Fungi,Plant,and Animals



Number One

What is the difference between a concept and an observation?


Consider that an activity of life is something you can observe, either quantitatively or qualitatively.


A concept is using a group of observations to explain an association between those observations.



Number Two


Groups divided into 3 groups\

To compare similarities and differences between observations (activities of life) and concepts (big ideas in biology).


Use Bio 11 “Bio Intel Mission One” to decide what work needs to be done.



Number Three


To organize your group task consider the following


·      How does a biologists use a dichotomous key to compare different types of living things?

·      How do observations lead to concepts?

·      What would be useful tools or terms to have in order to navigate into new worlds?


Text book Reference


Protist to Fungi Prezi



Protist to Fungi



Worksheets for all three groups



Differences between Kingdoms



Evolution of plants and fungus



Evolutionary history from protist to animals



You tube Reference  

Classification and protists to animals



Protists and ancestors to plant and animals





Take Home Message This is just an intel mission, improvise, adapt and over come your fear of not knowing what to do. Keep it simple student..  
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Bio Intel Mission One

Biology 11 “Bio Intel Mission One”


Your Mission  

For the last five months you have been introduced to the science of biology. You have studied how to look at living things by using microscopes, petri dishes, dichotomous keys and linking those observations to some key ideas in biology such as evolution and taxonomy.


Now you are being given the mission to gather intel on a specific group of living things.


To keep things organized, you, as a class with organize your data in comparison to the group of organisms known as Protist. You will be divided into three intel gathering groups ( plants, animals and fungi)


Part One  

Each group member is responsible for having a legal size piece of paper with six activities of life and six big ideas .


Each group should have at least 6 team members


Each group needs to organize 15- 20 minutes of information to include:


An introductory written reference to explain and show how you are going to compare your group to protist:


You presentation should include:

A power point organizer

·      To show pictures of the diversity of your group

·      A media reference to your group of organisms

·      Discuss 6 activities of life

·      Discuss 6 big ideas

A simple 12 question Quiz on your information

A reference to a dichotomous key.

A simple classification activity (can be within power point)


The purpose of intel session

·      Can you show similarities and differences between your groups actitivies of life to protist?

·      Can you show similarities and differences between how your group is linked to the six big ideas and protist.

·      Can you get us..the class..into your “world” using protist as a common reference point.


Phase one

Intel update

Each group to provide simple intel session including the criteria from above.


No longer than 20 minutes, no less than 15 minutes.


Please keep all information brief and to the point.


Each group be required to to have a simple 12 question evaluation for the other two groups to take.


It will be the groups responsibility to mark this evaluation.


Phase two

Pathfinder mission

For future classes, your group will be used as specialist to assist in inquiry based learning challenges.
Phase Three

Joint mission

For future classes, your groups will combine to explore ecological problem based challenges.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Science 10 Lesson for Feb 15th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 15th


Last lessons Objectives


End of Labs and projects for Chem Chapter Evaluations

Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Chapter 4 Test (25MC)

·      Time line for next two weeks

·      Simple News Assignment





Number One


Chapter Four Test! Not a quam..a test


Prior to studying content take this quiz



Identify those concepts you are not clear of while reading the text.

Label in work book, with highlighter key points in 7.1

Do questions and identify which ones you do not understand.

Check online Answer Key.





Number Two


Simple News Assignment:

1)   Find one article about isotopes and/or information found in chapter seven ( in a magazine, online or newspaper), that has been mentioned in the last two months.

2)   Find out a related article that is linked to the topic from before this article was published.

3)   Identify:

·      Who is the article about and who wrote it.

·      What is the key topic of the article

·      Where on the planet is this article about.

·      Why was this article written? Importance of topic?

·      Identify: How this article is linked both to the curriculum and to you.

Due this Friday. Type written



Number Three



Evaluation Timeline

This Week

Monday               Chapter 4

Wednesday           Chapter 5

Friday                 Chapter 6

Next Week

Tuesday               Pre Test

Thursday              Chem unit Exam




Work book Reference  

Chapter 4- 6 Chemistry

Chapter 7     Atoms and isotopes

You tube Reference A virtual 7.1 Lesson Online




Other stuff! Make sure your workbooks chapter 4-6 are complete  
Next Class Chapter 7.1 Discussion

Test Chapter Five


Take Home Message “Chemistry is like cooking, just do not lick the spoon”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 15th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 15th


Last lessons Objectives


Quiz (3) Evaluations

Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Quiz feed back and Chapter 4 Test (25MC)

2 Intro to Chapter 7

3 Thursday class will be Chapter 5/6 Test (50 MCQuestions)



Number One


Chapter Four Test! Not a quam..a test



Number Two

Isotopes and atoms (7.1)

Work book assignment


Number Three

Evaluation Timeline

This Week

Tues                     Chapter 4

Thursday             Chapter 5/6

Next Week

Monday              Pre Test

Wednesday           Chapter 7 Quiz

Friday                 Chemistry Exam



Work book Reference  

Chapter 4- 6 Chemistry

Chapter 7     Atoms and isotopes

You tube Reference  


Other stuff! Make sure your workbooks chapter 4-6 are complete  
Next Class    
Take Home Message “Chemistry is like cooking, just do not lick the spoon”  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Biology 12 Lesson for Feb 12

Biology 12 Lesson Outline                                      Date Feb 12 th



Last lessons Objective




Lesson two of Fetal Pig Dissection

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Vitamin module

2.   Online Prescription Assignment

3.   Digestion Evaluations next week



Number One

You have just been given a university course Biochemistry Module on Vitamins.

With a partner you are to do the following


a)   Complete the worksheet on Vitamins

b)   Complete the three questions found on page 153 and 154


·      You need to hand in your own sheet.

·      Make sure that short answer questions are not replicate answers.





Number Two

As a student now working hard in mid term, you are tired, not eating the correct food, feeling stressed and sick, and not getting enough sunshine.


You are to prescribe three Vitamins for your self.

One of the three should be a fat soluable vitamin.


You need to explain the following

Where will you find a source for these vitamins.

Why will these Vitamins help with symptoms?

Find a minimum of three references/vitamin to validate your choice.


Keep track of ingestion for the next two weeks.

Keep track of sleep hours and possible symptoms.


Hand in day after the Digestion Exam



Number Three

Tuesday: Digestion Quiz with your own Word Bank

(1/2 of the period)

Introduction to circulatory system



Thursday: Fetal Pig Dissection Lab

(1/2 of the period)

Lesson two: The heart



Text book Reference


Online rf

Vitamins for stress and low sleep


light and vitamin D


brain food for exams



You tube Reference  

Vitamin B



Vitamins and nutrition for nursing students



Benefits of Vitamin E



Food and Vitamins and supplements, Oh my




Take Home Message You are what you eat..

Quit being a stress puppy when you can run with the big dogs..

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Pesky Protist Groups

Biology 11 Pesky Protist Groups


Protist Name Block 2 Block 1


Entamoeba histolytica Daniela, Rachel and Shona


Rilley and Brendan
Giardia lambia Erik and Kevin


Erica,Yuxi and Melody
Leishmania donovani Tracy and Angel


Heidi and Angelo
Balantidium coli Steven and Shabir


Arion and Alex
Trichomonas William and AJ


Jessica and Michelle
Pneumocystis carinii Ethan


Evan, Dylan and Drew
Plasmodium Marina and Ryan


Lucy and Sandra
Trypanososoma cruzi Laim and Thomas N


Simon and Jerrimiah
Trypanosoma brucei Ethan and Julian


William, Alexis and Ian
Toxoplasmosis gondii Justin and Thomas H Katie, Naailah, and Fatima


  Missing Missing





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments