iPad sc8 – the digital textbook

We logged into moodle (using your johnoliver.ca account from the summer) and “enrolled” in Science 8 Spence. Section 1-1, download and open in Notability Highlight osmosis, write the definition on that page – Cool, huh? You are encouraged to write…

sc8 textbook handout

We handed out the textbooks and did the scavenger hunt on page xvii. In class we did #1 to 9 and for hmwk pls finish #10 to 15. Also, you were to log into moodle (setup with your johnoliver.ca account…

Sc8 Outline – day 1

Moodle: John Oliver Virtual Learning Sc8 Course Outline 2012-2013 Here are the things I need to do and learn this year: pay attention during class time (sit away from distracting people) be organized; be prepared; check the blog ask lots…