John Oliver School App

Remember I talked about doing this, well it is done. Woohoo!!!

After a couple of months of research, planning, building and go through the Apple Developers Application process, my modest app is now live and available on the iTunes App Store. Of course, if you are an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad user, you would know that you can download over the air from you App Store App on you mobile device. Do a search for John Oliver School App.

What did I learn? If there is a will, there is a way. Very cliche, but true.

Being a life-long learner, I can tell you that you will never stop learning and the more challenging goals or projects are more rewarding. That said, I will tell you that my motto has always been “what I don’t know today, I will learn tomorrow.” In this case, it was many tomorrows. I am excited to have this done and even though there are a couple of bugs, how many schools have their own app?

You can learn almost anything you want on the internet these days, but you have to be self-directed and self-motivated.

Time, of course, is always a limiting factor, there is never enough time.

However, if you use technology effectively and efficiently to help you manage your time, you’d be surprised how much you more you can accomplish. That said, just because you can – doesn’t mean you should. Brain breaks are health for you. I am going to take a brain break for a while before I begin development on version 2.0.

Sorry, no plans for an Android or Blackberry version. But don’t let that stop you from taking the challenge.

Any takers?