Digital Workflow

Mastering a digital workflow is not an easy task, but in the productivity world it can save you time and money. Time is money and the quicker you can do the job – the more money you can make. So what is a digital workflow? Basically, a workflow is a step-by-step process of tasks that will lead you to the final or finished product. Remember, find the path of least resistance and a shortest distance is a straight line. However, when if comes to technology, as you may know, there are many different ways to accomplish the same task. This is where knowing a software package and its capabilities come in handy. Similarly, real world hands-on experience will prove invaluable to generating and mastering a digital workflow.

The concept of workflow is not restricted to digital applications or software. Think of an assembly line or the building of a house. You have to follow specific steps such as apply for a permit, excavate, build foundation, framing, and etc. Some steps you can bypass, but most steps have a sequential order. This is the same for a digital workflow.

Think about it and ask yourself, how can I apply this to my schooling?

Look at it from a backwards approach. This is where I need to go, how am I going to get there and then chart your course. This will make you experience more purposeful and less complicated – not to mention save you time to do other things.